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He did as he promised. After I had completed closing some accounts for the month we set out together.

For the longest time we didn't speak anything. And I was sure that the rest of journey would be no different when he finally broke the silence.

"so.. ha. Do you realize the fact that you still haven't told me your name?"

"and do you realize that I can bet on the fact that you would have already heard it?"

"of course, I have heard it. But not from you. So what may I call you madam?" he said raising his eyebrows.

"hmm. Well I think my name can wait until a few days. That would at least make you come back. What if you get bored of me? so, I need a security right."

"well. So I guess I would have to keep going with calling you you"

Both of us smiled and my mind yelled, FINALY.

"so, you are from India. So far."

"yeah. So far."

"and what made you come to this place?"

"ha. Some scholarship, test and all that."

"if you had choice you could have been to some other place than this stupid town."

"even if I were to search an infinite sq. km, I would not have found a better college for what and want. And also, this town is beautiful."

"I seriously don't know what makes people think so. This is such a disgusting place to live in."

"how can you hate a place that you were born into, so much? However boring it maybe, you would still have some happy memory here." I felt like some motivational speaker.

"correction. Not born here. My actual home town is a small town outside the state. We used to live there till I was like 13 or something with my nana. But then I dont know what came over my mom, she decided she had to move to the town. And this new place and this cut short family made my life a living hell."

"you may have a reason for hating this place, but not your family. I always believe that whatever may happen in the end we would just have our mom and dad to support us. You should not hate them." Now I was missing mom and dad a little too much.

He looked at me for a few seconds and then said , as if reading my mind

"you miss your family?"

"yeah." Right then my phone rang and I turned the screen towards him and said "mom"

"she really knows her daughter well." He said smiling.

The whole time I spoke he just stood staring at me with an open mouth.

After I had hung up I turned to him "what? Language?"

"how are you speaking so fast. I need to learn this." He said more to himself than me.

We were soon standing in front of my gate

"so.. bye I guess."

"yeah bye I guess too. Ha wait. Does this. You know this talking mean that we could talk in the college, like won't that be a problem for you."

"this is not a secret mission drake. Of course, we can speak anywhere. But I do have a condition. We talk in college only if you promise to not scream in the library."

"agreed madam. So I think I will leave you for the night. See you." He smiled and turned away.

I had such a peaceful sleep that night.

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