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"Let's not disturb him now. He seems fine. We will see what we can do in the morning. " Thomas said slowly closing Drake's door "and don't worry I am staying here tonight. " He patted my arms and smiled.
I can finally feel my heart rate going back to normal. Finally things seems okay, otherwise I was so sure that this night would fuck me up. I walk to the couch with whatever little energy that is left in me.
"You know Thomas what scared me the most that I was so scared for him. I had always believed that I was over him. And yes I am over him but why does it feel that I still love him? I thought I would be careful but here I am, falling head over heels, again. Like, when I look at him, the way he smiles I just wonder, why wouldn't anyone love him? I.... I don't know. "
Thomas walked over and sat next to me "it's not wrong zahira. Loving someone, caring for someone is not wrong. See, you dated him for two something years, you loved him and love doesn't go away just like that. It's okay take time. You are seeing him after three years of gap you are bound to feel too much. Do you want to get back into a relationship with him? "
"Exactly. love doesn't go anywhere what is gone is that bond that trust and those little things that bound you in a relationship. You know as much as I do that the love you felt for him then and the love you feel for him now are different. "
"I guess it is. "
"Relax. Things will be okay. Oh by the way I called his mom on the way. Maybe, just maybe she could help him. But now I see you have done that job pretty well. Maybe she would be here any time soon. "
"I know you understand things better, but i really can't handle that lady sometimes and I doubt drake can either. "
"Coffee you guys. " Lucy comes to the room balancing three cups in her hand. We can see the glowing head light of a coming car. His mom.
I felt like laughing the moment she comes in that woman is literally crying. Isn't she the same woman who chose between her two son's.
"He is asleep. Maybe you could cut that drama. " I really couldn't control myself. Thomas and Lucy shoots angry looks at me.
"Oh is it? Well thanks for letting me know. " She wipes a tear running down her face and flashes a smile at me before looking at Thomas "I didn't know that this girl is still here. No wonder he is getting panic attack. "
"You should have known better." I speak before Thomas can open his mouth "because this is my house. Of course I would be here."
She ignores me and speaks to Thomas " Where is drake? "
"Uhm... Well he is asleep. So maybe we shouldn't disturb him. "
"Then why did you call me here, to show me this little drama done by my son and this brown girl? "
I open my mouth to speak but Thomas raise a finger to stop me and speaks "mam I called you on my way here, when I got here he was already asleep. And, shouldn't you be happy he is fine for now? "
She gives a little laugh "is that his room? " She points at his room and Thomas nods in response.
She walks straight to the door go inside and walk out seconds later. And comes straight to me "already tired of looking after him? "
"Listen, I am really not in a mood to talk to you. You may leave if you are done. And don't worry he wouldn't bother you, at least not until I am here. "
She laughs again and without a word she walks out of the house.

I rolled down the side of the couch and my head hit the floor and i swear something has gone wrong with my hips. I knew I shouldn't have slept on the couch.
"Take my hands. " Drake is standing right above me his hands stretched out.
"Shit, I woke up late right? " I take his hands and he pulls me up, my back is really hurting.
"Actually no. Correct time, Thomas is ready we are leaving for the hospital."
"Give me five minutes, I will fash my face and... "
"No zahira. You are not coming."
"What do you mean i am not coming. Of course I am coming. "
" No you shouldn't. You have work, yours and mine too. You need to stay back. "
"You can't be serious right now drake."
"Zahira." He stepped closer to me and said "I wouldn't say it without a reason. First days at the hospital are pretty ugly I don't want anyone there... It just makes me feel worse. And also we have less than two months left for the event. "
I was about to argue with him when Thomas came up from behind him and said "he is right. You should stay back. "
I felt bad. Really bad. What is the use of all this staying together when I can't be with him in this situation.
"If you guys don't want me to come then I don't think I can say anything. "
"Are you mad at me? " Drake asked.
"No.... No of course not. " Of course I am mad at him, what makes him think I am not.
He smiled and whispered "I know you are. Just know that you are needed here. We can't mess up the work. And please dont be mad at me. I feel weird. "
I gave him a smile and let him go. I really wanted to go but maybe he is right. I should stay back. Stay away. Yesterday night was more than enough proof that in no time i would be crazy about drake. And I wouldn't let that happen for the life of me. I am not in a self destructive mood.

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