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Where do I start? It's not like I am not prepared to do this, I am fully prepared, full check list and to do list kind of prepared. But then seeing all these interns in their black uniform waiting for my orders to start the work in a really large conference room is really intimidating. Its always been me running around to do random chores for Veronica. I look around and my eyes look straight at drake sitting in the far corner phone pressed to his ears and his hands moving fast over a piece of paper. I take a deep breath and settle down on my make shift table and take out my check list. seven interns stand around me in a semi circle. I smile at them and begin "so let's start, juan you are supposed to go get the lights from the shop they said they won't be able to deliver it. Grace and Manuel you are in charge of the stock, take the stock account now and give me the report in an hour and then again at evening. Helene you are supposed to meet Veronica in the office at 10,she needs some help. Lynda call markus and check on the furniture delivery, it should be here by noon. Maria, Phillip and Tony go with drake, he would be leaving for the hotel soon. Rebecca and Peter stay with me and we begin with the stage. Off to work. " Everyone spreads out and I look back at drake, still on his phone. He hasn't even looked at me till now and I can't stop looking at him, he looks a little too beautiful today a little too messed up a little too streesed a little too focused a little too mad a little too loveable. I am loosing it.

I have been tugging at a curtain on the side of the stage for quite some time now, it won't come down and if I pull hard it would tear apart. Work is hitting me really hard. I haven't had my lunch yet, furnitures are not here yet drake is nowhere around and even when he is around he doesn't even smile at me and my check list is increasing every minute. I sit down on the floor with exhaustion.
"Why the hell is no one answering my calls? " Veronica is pacing across me with an angry face. So I am not the only one who is getting irritated.
"Where is drake? " She shouts into my face and before I can speak anything she says " Ask him to meet me outside in 10 min and for heaven's sake ask him to wear his ear piece. " She walks away grumbling to herself.
I walk through the second floor opening all the doors and calling his name with no result, I walk past a group of intern and all of a sudden drakes voice hits me I turn back to the room and move people away so that I can get in. Juan is standing in front of drake his face has gone all red with anger and drake is staring at him with those angry eyes, Juan should know better than to mess with drake when he has his angry eyes.
"You better not tell me what to do." Juan shouts into drakes face.
"Oye." I move across to where they are standing and puts myself right in between them, when angry hits all the  English and etiquette can go to hell. "Voice down. " I glare at Juan and he immediately shuts up. I turn back to drake and give him a glare. He looks past me at Juan and says " Better not mess with me little kid. " I raise my hands to stop him but Juan interpret me and say " I am not here to fucking take orders from you. "
"Juan language." I didn't knew I had this much voice in me. I turn back to all the interns standing by the door and shout " Go do your work."
I turn back to the two boys and shout "this is not a goddamn drama work shop. This is a work place behave accordingly. "
"I am.... " Drake opens his mouth and I cut him and speak " Stop. Drake go down and meet Veronica. " He starts to speak again and I completely loose it "NOW." He gives Juan a final glare and walks away.
I turn to Juan who is starting to leave "you stay. And we talk. What was all that? "
"Oh you should ask him, he started it."
"I will. But now, you answer me. Come on. "
"Okay, so I made a mistake, I know I shouldn't have but that doesn't mean that he would come and shout at me. "
"What mistake? "
"I.... Well, I forgot to get the lights. "
"What the hell? Forgot to get the lights, I gave you one job and you didn't even do that. Of course he would shout at you. Event is tomorrow get that into your head. "
"Yeah. I understand. I am sorry and I will get it done Immediately. But the problem is if it had been you or the higher boss I would have been fine. That fucking idiot has no right to scream at me like that in front of everyone. " He must have seen the look on my face, he stops and looks down. I step closer to him and say "let me get this straight. He is as much your boss as me or Veronica. And the next time I hear you talking shit about him then you are gonna deal with the worst. Now go do your work. " He walks away without a word. And I give myself a mental slap for being angry.
I walk back down stairs looking for drake. The moment he sees me he turns around and walk back. What the fuck is he doing? I don't understand this guy. For the past one week he has been behaving like this. And when I ask him he would not say anything. I am done with his little act. I am gonna end this cold War right now.

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