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I had planned on talking to Eva. Its been really long since we had any proper conversation. And maybe she would want to talk about josh and her fight. She came back late that day and with a big not in a mood to speak written on her face.

"so? I heard you and josh and some big arguments. Is everything fine now?"

She stopped ruffling her bag and turned to me with what seemed a surprised look which was immediately taken over by a resting bitch face.

"oh that. Never mind. Its nothing." She waved her hands and went back to her bag. It sure was something.

"its just that, I met josh and he seemed really upset about whatever happened."

"oh really?" she said without looking up. She sure was really angry, her sarcasm is the main tool to express her anger "you met him? What did he say?" she still was not looking up.

"just that he wished he could see you instead of me."

Now she looked up "oh wow. Is it? So loving right?" she threw her bag on her bed and walked to the washroom. Now the best thing to do was to not talk. Whenever she was angry the least that anybody could do was to not push her to speak and let her come around on her own. So now I would have to do the same I guess.

As the course was coming to an end, the amount of workload was increasing. Job fairs were coming closer, I had to prepare for that. Aunt did insist that I take a break, but then I could see that someone was needed to handle the book section. she really couldnt manage it alone. I am planning to quit ones the job fair was done and help her in finding a new employee. But for now the work was pressing me down. My checklist went from one page two and then three. Every day I would go to bed with at least 20 of them still unchecked.

Eva says that she didn't want to talk about josh. Lately she never comes home at night. She was going to a lot of parties.

But the thing that was making me mad was the fact that I didn't even have enough time to ask Drake why he looked so stressed these days. When I had time to talk he would have something to do and when he finally came around I would be sitting in between a thousand notes. He did tell me ones that it was just his normal family thing and that I shouldnt stress. But I had made up my mind to wrap everything up before his birthday, two days before job fair one week from now. He had said he wanted a quite birthday. Sure he will have a quite party. I had planned that we could celebrate it on the sunshine hill. It was only a few days ago that I had known that the hill that we had spent so many nights had a name. Moreover, these days drake was growing really fond of that place.

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