A/n Afterword

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Huh? I did it. I wrote am entire fanfiction. I did not see that coming. But then again everything for this year and last year has been bonkers.

I really had fun writing this and whenever I would have writer's block, your comments would help me get the motivation to write.

I am pretty proud with myself for mostly keeping an update schedule and for staying on top of school too.

So yeah this is the end of the book.

Well. . . .


There is still some material left to cover and that was all left intentionally for the incoming sequel!

Now um, it will take a bit before the sequel comes out. Mainly because of school. This book finished about a month before my big exams and stuff. Perfect timing really because now I can focus on that.

My estimated release date for the sequel is late June to early July.

But in the meantime I do want to do some extra things in this book. (No release schedule for it though.)

The first extra thing is. . .

A Q&A!

Now that this book ended, you probably have a few questions. So if you do, you can comment them here.


If you don't, then that's okay too. I'll make a chapter answering all them.

The second thing I want to do is rewrite the Halloween special cause let's be honest, I did Chara dirty lol. The second part ended up being rushed and well it's trash in my opinion. Although I do feel kind of bad for deleting those old chapters when the new ones come in.

So here is a small poll.

1. Keep the old Halloween chapters for memories.

2. Burn them in a hole.

Be honest with your choice.

I did have other specials planned but I don't know if you guys would want to see them. So here is another poll XD.

a. Genocide "AU" ~ 1 part

b. How Sans and the reader met ~ 1 part

c. A day with the main characters (Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, etc.) ~ 1 part

d. A day with the side characters (Grillby, Muffet, Burgerpants, Nice Cream Guy, Temmie etc.) ~ 1 part

e. A day with the skelebros only. (A break from the many characters.) ~ 1 part.

f. Make Gribbly's canon. (For da memes) ~ 1 part

{I'll will only do one-two so choose wisely.}

After that I'll edit all the chapters and this book will be completely done.

So in total I have 5 things left to do for this book.

I will keep you guys updated through the announcements on my account. When the sequel comes out I will let you guys know on here.

Anyway that's about it. See you for the extras and I hope to see you for the sequel.

If not, then who knows? You might read some of my future books.

Your Author,


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