Chapter 19

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When we landed in Alberta, the first thing I noticed was snow. Lots and lots of snow piled up in the corners of the enormous landing strip. It looked so fluffy I wanted to jump in it, but I decided to do myself a favour and not catch a cold. The sky was a dirty grey and it was very windy. I ate more hair in one minute than how much I lost in the shower.

Nick helped me down the steep plane steps. Other than the pilot and her friend, there wasn't anyone else around. There was a black car with tinted windows waiting but no one was inside. After gathering some bags, we went to the car. I sat alone in the back, my nose red from the cold, and Nick and Micheal sat in the front. Nick was driving.

I stared out the window, catching a sight of the private plane. It was a simple white with a few bird (crows, of course) silhouettes flying away. Beneath it, stamped in thick black letters, said the phrase 'CV - Property of Crow Airlines - Travel Limited, Live Free.'

"You wanna go get some Taco Bell?" I leaned across the seats and nudged Micheal in the shoulder.

"November, you just had some."

"You can never have enough Taco Bell, Micheal."

"Shut up, November."

"No, thank you. I like bothering you guys." I sat back and stretched my legs in front of me. The sedative Cage had given me had miraculous after effects. I felt like I was floating on a cloud but that cloud was slowly disappearing and trickles of anger replaced my drugged happiness. My ankle had healed up nicely. I was still too afraid to take off the bandages Cage gave me to check on what happened. But it felt fine so I decided ignorance was bliss and left everything alone. "Are we there yet?"

Nick shot me an annoyed glance through the rear view mirror. "No."

"How about now?" I asked not three seconds later.


I waited for five seconds. "And how about now-"

"I'm going to shoot you."

The car was driving through a rocky road with lots of trees. Canada looked the same as Ivey, but there were fewer acres of woods and more civilization. Hope bubbled up in my chest as we drove past a bunch of apartment buildings and oh look, a police precinct. Maybe I could escape. I had to.

No matter how I felt towards them or Cage, I refused to be a part of the Crows. I needed my simple, Netflix-induced life back and Fern next to me. I hadn't even met my niece yet. However, that little burst of hope slowly died out as Nick continued driving through gravel roads and wooded paths. Soon, any sight of a building became rare as we went deeper into the forests.

"How about now?" I reached over and tugged hard on a strand of Micheal's hair.

He slapped me away angrily. "No! Ask me again in ten minutes. We should be there by then. There's a cabin in Montgomery that we'll be staying at for a few days until they find Jonah. Take a left on the next intersection, Nick."

Anger curled up in the pit of my stomach. They talked like I had no choice but to go with them everywhere like a tranquil puppy. Micheal said that Cage wasn't a dictator, but forcing me to go with them just because Cage couldn't trust me not to talk seemed very ironic given his words. I was tired of getting dragged along unwillingly for their benefit. I had a life too, one that I desperately needed to get back to. Besides missing copious amounts of school, not having any contact with Fern was giving me a lot of anxiety.

''I want to go home." Sitting straighter, I rested my knees on the back of Nick's seat and glared at them both. "I miss Ivey. I miss my sister, Micheal. Cage won't let me talk to her....I just want to talk to her. Just once, please. I need to let her know that I'm okay. Fern just had a child, she's under enough stress already. I don't know how kidnappings really work, but I believe I am allowed one free phone call."

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