35. Such an innocent face, and so very horny mind!

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We both stood behind the intricate jali patterned wall, that faced the infirmary. I could see Darius sitting on one bed, and Elena beside him, feeding him the food meant for sick people.

I rolled my eyes at the affectionate side of Elena.

"So whipped!", I commented sarcastically.

I receive a smack on my arm from my wife, "Stay quiet Mahir!"

"They can't hear us...even if you yell my name!", I said suggestively while she only scowled.

Such a mood killer!

"Your majesty! The queen would appreciate if you keep your pervert side to yourself and allow her to observe them."

I smirked and turned my head to look at them. It wasn't a pleasant sight for me but anything for this minx.

"I am fine. I can eat on my own.", Darius attempted to take the bowl from her only for her to refrain from giving up.

Darius looked away huffing. I see beside me to catch my wife smiling at the scene.

"Why are you angry Darius? I know I shouldn't have hidden anything from you but I was only afraid."

Darius gave her a skeptical look, "Afraid of what? Killing your chance to marry the king?"

She shook her head baffled, "I don't want to marry him. Not after you."

"Then what did you do it all for? For the wealth?"

She was definitely hurt by his statement and I felt glad about that. Darius will be rewarded. I'd make sure of it.

She looked down, "I love you Darius."

Darius looked at him irritatedly, "You claim you love me. But you won't tell me anything about you. And I haven't said once that I love you or not, but my whole life is before you. I hate the king! But I respect the post he is holding right now. The post I am fighting for. I want to work my way to there, and not get their through lies and deceit. What are you trying to do?"

Her eyes were teared up by then.

"Darius...I didn't have any option with me. People would have defamed me claiming I got pregnant without a husband!", She cried.

"Didn't you!?"

His question was harsh. Not for me. I was enjoying her misery. Next time I'd tell Rosa to prepare some snacks while I entertain myself here.

She stood up from his bed, probably intending to leave. But as soon as she tried, Darius took hold of her hand and stopped her.

She stopped and turned to look at him with disappointment. All the time I have been with Elena, I have humiliated her alot. Something I am not very proud of now but I never got such reaction from her. She is definitely in some serious emotions here. That makes me wonder how she will react when the cover finally blows off.

"I am sorry Elena.", said Darius, "I didn't mean that. I am only worried for us. If things go this way, we won't be able to stay together. And in peace. I don't know how to defend you when I don't know things about you. I understand we make mistakes. But they have to be corrected. And I want to correct the mistakes you made before."

He beckoned her to sit beside him, and she followed in daze. I could see his words had an impact on her.

"...I don't know why you don't trust me yet. But Elena we will have to decide. I don't want to be in a situation where I have to leave you and pursue my dream to be the king."

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