37. I wish you don't go!

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As I commanded my military to gather outside, I realized it's time. The sun was still down and I was hoping it would remain same for some time.

I went back in my suite and found the conscious sitting with Bella. While Bella was acting all high and mighty, looking unbothered, her conscious was at the verge of crying. Ofcourse now Bella can't hide what she really feels. She could never do so before, but things will be more apparent now when her conscience is out.

The breakfast was arranged before them and I went and took a seat on the head of the table with the two by my sides.

Bella's anger had subsided but only because I was leaving.

"I hope you two have mingled well overnight."

"Yeah!", "Yeah!", Came one excited and one vague reply.

I chuckled internally. Bella was certainly glad for the company of her conscience but she wouldn't show me.

I kept my hand on hers and saw the conscience smile at that, "Take care of yourself."

She lifted her eyes to look at me, "You have to go for the war Mahir!"

"I wish you don't go.", I heard the gruff voice of the conscious, sulking on her seat.

Bella glared at her, because she was speaking her heart and I couldn't help but chuckle at the exchange.

"No one likes wars dear king. But I expect you to come back unscathed. We have a lot to settle."

I nodded intimidated by my queen. She can be scary when she wants to be. And the presence of her conscience here already irks her.

The breakfast passed in silence. A part of me was still worried about her. While another convinced me she's not an ordinary woman and can save herself.

It was time to wear my armour, and so I walked to our bedroom followed by both of them.

The conscience settled on the bed, sulking, while Bella came forward with the iron armour. It has been ages since I wore it.

She stood before me, "Give me your crown dear king."

I nodded and took hold of my crown parting it from my head. As I fight in the battlefield, my queen shall take care of it and also take over the responsibilities that come with it.

She brought a cushion and carefully placed the crown on it keeping it in a high drawer so no harm reaches it.

I removed my shirt and waited for her to put the armour on me. As I stripped I saw the conscience watching me with dropped jaws while Bella's jaw ticked like she wants to crush someone in anger. As amusing as it was, I didn't dare to laugh.

I helped her lift the heavy iron and put it upon my body. Fixing the material around my wrist, I made sure it is intact and won't come lose. I hurt myself once in the past because my wrist armour fell in the battlefield.

Once I was ready, I attached my scabbard with a sword in it. When I was done, I looked at myself through the mirror. I have been to wars five times in my life. This will be the sixth time. But never in my life, I was afraid of death. Because then, apparently I had no one to come back to. My father was with me during the war, while my mother is always in my heart. But this particular time, everything is different. I want to come back even before I have left. But responsibilities call. I need to go. For the promises I have made.

I look at my queen and then at her conscious. I have to give the two important instructions. For I know Bella loves to defy me, but this time I cannot let it slide.

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