Chapter 18.1

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Scotty was in Mukryilla's office, trying not to fidget, when Sabrina arrived. Tirqwin came in a second later; after exchanging nods with the Subcommander, he went over to Scotty and startled the young man considerably by embracing him.

"Hiya, Tirq," Scotty managed, returning the hug and standing back, a little embarrassed. "Hey, I been meanin' to tell you and Khediva thanks for savin' our skins up there. I mean, I know you did it for Mara, not for me, but still. And what a piece of flying!"

"We did it for you both," Tirqwin informed him, "and Khediva accepts your praise—rather smugly." He grinned a little, and Scotty grinned nervously in response. "Now, let us get you sorted out so your sister can sleep nights."

"Hey, I been tellin' you, I'm clear!" Scotty protested.

Mukryilla said, "I accessed the Commander's personal files. He and Captain Devon did indeed discuss such a plan, but he did not give permission for it to be implemented. He sent a group of intelligence operatives to find and follow the Captain in case he should be successful, but they never found any evidence that he had contact with Homeworld. There is still an element of doubt in the time frame between when the Captain left Praxatillus and when the first operative found him."

"I have proposed that Khediva mindscan him," Tirqwin said. "It will be a conclusive test and has the added advantage of not requiring the Guardian to tire herself further."

Mukryilla hesitated. "My lady?"

"I agree," Sabrina replied. "I trust Khediva. And Tirqwin's right; this is more her area of expertise than Mara's."

"I suppose any strategic knowledge Captain Devon possesses is no longer sensitive," Mukryilla mused.

Tirqwin said, "I can promise you that Khediva will reveal what she finds only to myself and whoever you would like to send to witness the mindscan."

"Me," Sabrina said firmly.

"Not you," Tirqwin replied. "No, Sabrina, be reasonable. You said yourself you cannot leave the planet while Mara is asleep. And we cannot wait for her to wake. If we do she will most likely insist on clearing Scotty herself, which is what we are trying to avoid. Send someone else, someone you trust."

Sabrina bit her lip. "Subcommander," she said, "will you ask Lady Selémahs nar Ruschar to join us?"

Mukryilla nodded. "Captain, do you agree to this?"

"Sure," Scotty said carelessly. "I got nothin' against Khediva lookin' at my mind. And I like Selémahs. It's fine with me."

While Mukryilla made the call to Selémahs, Scotty said softly to Tirqwin, "Hey, Tirq. Just theoretically, what happens if Khediva does find somethin'?"

"She could try to neutralize it, but often this sort of conditioning is designed to self-destruct if tampered with. So she will most likely leave it alone and inform us of its existence, and how long it has been there. In that case I imagine you will be forced to resign your commission and perhaps leave Praxatillus. You could do Homeworld no good on Earth, and they would leave you alone there."

"Back to school, huh?" Scotty said. "Well, I guess it could be worse."

Mukryilla said, "Lady Selémahs has agreed to join you aboard Wayship Khediva. She advises us not to be too long at this; the Queen may wake very soon."

"Then let us go," Tirqwin said. "Sabrina, try not to worry. Khediva will be quite careful. She is fond of your brother in her own way, you know."

"I know," Sabrina said. She hugged Scotty. "Don't be gone long."

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