Chapter 27.2

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Mara came at sunset, looking worn out. It had been the middle of the night at Dansestari; she had waited until she could leave without anyone knowing. She wore a simple purple dress, her hair pulled back into a hasty braid, and looked far from regal. She was almost the girl they had known, long ago at the beginning of their journeys, except for her air of quiet confidence and command.

"Mara!" they chorused as she appeared in their living room.

Sabrina started to hug her friend, then jumped back with a gasp as a painful sensation, almost like static electricity but more powerful, jangled through her. Scotty hung back uncertainly as Mara said, "I'm sorry. You still have a great deal of Pharon influence about you."

She rubbed at her arms as Sabrina was doing, trying to erase the sensation. Scotty said, "Well, I guess I'll just owe you a hug, how's that, Mara?"

She smiled ruefully. "Yes. I'm glad to see you both again. I've missed you."

"We've missed you too," Sabrina said. "Have you been to see Tirqwin yet?"

Mara shook her head. "I will wait for Tirqwin to fall asleep. I'll need our link active at his end to try to erase the Pharon resonance. And...if he truly does not recognize anyone, I had rather not...." She broke off, then summoned a smile. "Well, there is no point in upsetting myself."

She sat down, her expression growing almost absent. Then she frowned. "I had hoped you would be nearly ready to come home, but if you have that powerful a reaction to me, then Dansestari is not at all the place for you. I am afraid Homeworld will not want to postpone the signing of our agreement until you can be there."

"Don't worry about that, Mara," Sabrina said. "Sign the thing and be done with it. We'd like to be there, but we understand."

"Sure," Scotty agreed. "Don't wait for us."

"Unless," Sabrina said, frowning, "there's some reason you want to stall? We haven't heard what the terms are."

Mara sighed. "It is not that. I think the terms are as good as I dared hope for. I have agreed to limit my activities to within the Realm, save in cases of massive catastrophe or where I am invited. I have pledged that neither I nor any of my descendants will ever begin a conflict with Homeworld or enter their space, except by invitation. My knowledge of Wayships is to be kept secret and not released to anyone, and I have pledged never to interfere with Tirqwin and Khediva's comings and goings. Tirqwin and Khediva are not to enter Homeworld space without permission, nor are they to take part in any conflict Praxatillus becomes involved in without permission from Homeworld. In return, Homeworld will reinstate them as Wayfarers and provide the normal support. Homeworld has also pledged never to begin a conflict between our worlds or to enter our space without invitation."

"Geesh," Scotty said, "I think we gave up more than they did!"

"We didn't give up much of substance," Mara said. "I never had any intention of interfering with Tirqwin and Khediva's activities as Wayfarers, or of starting war with Homeworld or interfering in their concerns. And I did receive one other concession that you will like, Scotty."

"What?" he asked suspiciously.

"I told Lady Chavadanafra what you had told me about Nllata A'Ptel, and how she was wasted on Deltarr. Lady Chavadanafra has offered to take her to Homeworld, when she is free of the Pharon crystal resonance, and see that she is tested for the Wayfarer Candidacy Program."

Scotty grinned, and Sabrina said in surprise, "Nllata, a Wayfarer?"

"You object?" Mara asked.

"No. She'll be fantastic. I just...I guess I never thought of it."

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