Chapter 22: Sabrina's Decision

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The next morning, Sabrina felt strong again, and the doctors released her as soon as she'd eaten a hearty breakfast to satisfy them. Tassan left for Bathir to meet with the Telurians and the Citizens Council, promising to snatch a nap that afternoon. Darice greeted Sabrina with pleasure at her recovery and informed her that she and Commander Mukryilla had decided that if there were more formal dinners, a line of guards would stand behind the main table.

"As long as you look decorative," was all Sabrina said as she got into the clothes Darice had brought. "Come on. I want to see Scotty in my study. You'll want to sit in on this."

In her rooms they met Rndara, who ventured to ask where Sabrina's gown from last night was. Sabrina supposed it had been destroyed, so she said, "It got torn rather badly last night after dinner, so I threw it out."

"My lady!" Rndara nearly wailed. "That was your best formal dress! We could at least have used the fabric for something else!"

"I'm sorry, Rndara, I wasn't thinking, I guess," Sabrina said. "The dinner went off perfectly, by the way. Thank you for arranging everything."

Rndara looked gratified. "I'm glad you liked it. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves." She frowned a little. "I'm not sure why the Royal Chamberlain felt it necessary to hurry in the musical entertainment like that, though."

"She did it so I could make my exit unnoticed," Sabrina said. "I had some rather urgent business that I didn't want everyone to know about."

"Oh," Rndara said. "Well, have you had breakfast? Would you like something?"

"I've eaten already, thanks. Is Secretary Sansfir here yet?"

"No, my lady. He said he would probably be late. One of the Ministers wanted to see him."

"Then would you mind finding my brother and asking him to come have breakfast with me?"

"Certainly, but I thought you had already eaten."

Sabrina stifled an impatient sigh. "I have, but I need to see him, and I don't want anyone to know it's anything but a casual meal together."

"Right," Rndara curtsied and hurried out.

"I'm going to have a quick wash," Sabrina told Darice, heading into the bathroom. "If Scotty gets here before I'm done, tell him to start without me."

"Yes, ma'am."


By the time Sabrina had indulged in a quick, hot bath, gotten dressed, and brushed her hair, Scotty was on his second helping of his favorite breakfast, the Praxatillian equivalent of hash browns flavored with a spicy sausage. Sabrina wrinkled her nose as she sat down and accepted the cup of cocoa Rndara handed her. "Thank you, Rndara," she said. "I don't know what I'd do without you. By the way, how is Prince Zav?"

"He's being released from the infirmary today, my lady," Rndara replied.

"Would you like to have the morning off, then? I can do without you for a few hours. I'm just going to be working in the study."

"Thank you, my lady. Will there be anything else, then, before I go?"


"Thank you!" Rndara said, curtseying and hurrying out.

Scotty grinned. "Still a romantic, aren'tya, Rina? Thanks for the breakfast invite. You look a lot better than you did last night."

"Did you bring it?"

"Yeah, but I'm not givin' it to you 'til I'm done eatin'," he grinned. "I wanna be able to concentrate on this."

Sabrina rolled her eyes. "I suppose I could use your opinion; you've seen more of Mara's spectacular feats than I have."

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