Chapter 32:I need help

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Ryan was standing alone against three strong opponents, limited on using his fire ability due to absorbing some of the smoke.

"Today is the day you die Ryan." Samuel said.

Samuel threw a smoke ball at Ryan, he countered with a fire ball.

"Ugh." The smoke inside Ryan stung his arm.

The kickers started shooting a barrage of smoke balls at Ryan. Ryan countered by making an ice dome around him.

"(Damn, they got me pin down.)" Ryan stayed inside the dome.

"You won't live either way Ryan! Just come out and take your death like a man!" Samuel charged up a smoke grenade.

"No! Ryan! What's Roderick's number!?" A woman voice was heard outside of the ice dome.

"(That sounds like that girl, in the house I crashed into.)629-6482!" Ryan yelled.

Ryan made a fire clone then the clone jumped out and towards Samuel and the kickers.

("That should take care of them for awhile, that was all the fire I had.)" Ryan ran out unnoticed.

"Hey! Get out of here now!" Ryan yelled over to her.

The clone punched the kicker, the kicker swayed out of the way and threw a punch at the clone. The clone blocked then grabbed his arm and twirled him around in circles and threw him at the other kicker. The kicker moved out of the way, then ran at the clone charging up his leg with smoke.

"(So he's gonna try and get me with that.)" The clone thought.

The kicker swung a high kick to the face, the clone ducked then the kicker went for a trip sweep. The clone jumped then brung a fire kick to his face but Samuel interfered and blocked it with his arms that had black powder smoke covering them.

The girl finished calling.

"Why did you call them?" Ryan asked.

"Because, you needed help." She said.

"I didn't need them and why are you out here. It's dangerous."

"Because, I like you...." she grew quiet. "And if you didn't want me to call them then why give me their number?"

"Since your so good with a phone call an ambulance for those cops." Ryan said avoiding the question.

He turned around toward where the fight was happening.

"What's your name?" Ryan asked curiously

"Destiny." She answered.

"You called Roderick. I'll get your number from him."
Ryan ran off towards the fight.

The clone threw a fire ball at Samuel, Samuel countered by making a smoke wall then he immediately shot a smoke ball at the clone. Ryan came in and made a ice wall in front of the clone. A kicker flew towards Ryan.

"Aye, trade wit me." Ryan said.

Ryan started battling Samuel, and the clone started going after the kicker.
Samuel ran at Ryan and Ryan ran at Samuel. Ryan had an ice fist and Samuel with a fist powered by the black powder smoke.

They both swung, dodging each others initial strike. Then they turned around and clashed fist.

*Ffrrrooomm!* Black and Blue circlized everywhere.

The sky started to turn red and the clouds black as the colossal attack emerged from their fighting spirit.

Ryan brung another ice fist to Samuel, he caught it with his hand then he broke the ice by squeezing on Ryan's hand. Ryan jumped then kicked off on Samuels chest.

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