Chapter 33:A reward for showing determination!

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Sam suddenly appeared in a castle tower.
She looked around then she spotted her zanpato next to a bed.

"So, Kikara what do I have to do?" Sam asked,looking around the room.

"You must exceed your best in all weapons." Kikara's voice was heard from the zanpato.

"You shall defeat a evil mimic of me with any thing you could find outside of this tower Sam, although, the mimic will not die. You must go and prove you are worthy of my Banki through performance. Then you will come back and retrieve me." Kikara explained.

"So what's stopping me from gettin' you now?" Sam asked.

"If you retrieve me, and I don't think you are worthy for Banki, then you will never achieve it, this is your only opportunity. " Kikara said.

Sam's eyes opened wide alittle.

A tomahawk smashed through the window and just missing Sam.

"It's started." Kikara said.

Sam quickly grabbed that tomahawk and jumped out of the window.

A Purple Kikara was standing on a far building holding tomahawks in each hand. Sam ran towards her, jumping building to building. Kikara jumped back as Sam came with a full force tomahawk smash. Kikara slashed up with both tomahawks, Sam moved to the right, then she attacked. Kikara countered by bringing her tomahawks back around blocking. Kikara lifted her left hand in the air and brung it down fast, Sam quickly jumped out of the way then pounced back. Kikara slid under Sam as she was gonna land over her, then Kikara threw one of her tomahawks at Sam. Sam blocked then controlled the tomahawk and grabbing it, so she has two.

By that time Kikara was already running at her, Sam down slashed, Kikara dodged it and Sam hit the roof. Sam started to  run but the roof had clasped and they both fell inside.

"Owie!" Sam got up from the rubble disarmed.

Kikara appeared infront of Sam with a long sword.
Sam backflipped out of the way and realized she was in a weaponry room. She quickly grabbed two dagger knives and ran at Kikara. Kikara swung her long sword, Sam easliy dodged and got in Kikara's space for a uppercut.

"Ya!" Sam then pushed away from Kikara, She threw both knives and grabbed a axe. Kikara dodged one but not the other. She quickly grabbed a club. Kikara swung her club hard at Sam,Sam blocked it with the axe but it broke. She swung again hitting Sam to the ground.


Kikara swung it again at Sam. Sam caught it then she used her feet and grabbed Kikara by the legs tripping her. Then Sam reached for a weapon on the rack but Kikara grabbed Sam's legs and dragged her back away from a full grip of something.

Kikara got on top of Sam and started punching with Sam dodging it. Sam got her arms loose and grabbed one of those daggers and stabbed her in the back. Kikara rolled off. Sam got up running towards the back of the room.

"(I need something useful to use.)" Sam was running passed weapons.

She reached the back wall, she turned around and Kikara was a couple of yards away pointing a bow and arrow at her.

"Shit." Kikara shot the arrow, Sam quickly grabbed a staff and hit the arrow out of the way, then ran towards Kikara. The staff split apart but was still linked up by a chain.
Sam whipped it around, Kikara quickly grabbed a mace and countered smashing the staff weapon in half. Sam swung again, Kikara countered smashing them again. Sam stepped back then she used what's left of the weapon as nun chucks.

She whipped the nun chucks around, Kikara stabbed the mace towards Sam. Sam used one of the nun chucks to wrap around the mace then she pulled Kikara toward her, and quickly wrapped Kikara's neck with the other one. Sam jumped out through the hole of the roof and ran toward the tower. She jumped back through the window and grabbed Kikara.

"That was amazing work Sam, your ready." Kikara complimented.

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