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"Push Sam push!" A doctor yelled.

"I can't!!!" Sam yelled back.

"Come on baby *spanish*" Sam's mom began to speak spanish.

They were in a hospital room. The date was December 20th 2013. Nine month's from the battle.
Everyone gathered in the room as Sam was giving birth to my baby. Sam's mom,Leelee, Ryan, Joel and the gang, hell even Alex. Sadly I wasn't able to come to my babies first birthday. But as one story ends. Another begans.

"Here it comes!" The doctor seen more sight of the baby. "Everyone back away!" He ordered.

"Come on just alittle more honey." Sam's mom calmy said.

"AAH!!!" Black spirit energy started to flow from her stomach and into the baby it seemed.

The baby started to come out faster, into the doctors hands. As it fully left Sam's body the doctor carefully wrapped it in a blanket. Announcing. "Its a boy."

As the cord was cut and brought to Sam's arms. She gazed upon our new born baby boy and said.
"So your Roderick the Third huh?"

The Story Of A BoyWhere stories live. Discover now