Chapter 25: Velent and Sam vs Brooklyn

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"Your strong boy..." Dre said to me.

"Teh.  Clone jutsu!" We ran at him.

*Smack Smack smack*

Velent and Brooklyn were fighting.

"(A clone would be a good illusion right now... My baby is fighting his own battle right now.)" Sam said to herself as she was taking a breather.

Velent was knocked back and Sam went in for Brooklyn.

"Sword dance!" Sam yelled and swords targeted towards Brooklyn.

"Hmpf." She stood still and the swords smashed on her body but they were deflected as if she was made of steel.

"Ugh." Sam jumped back.

Velent regrouped with her.

"What do we do? She ain't gettin hurt." Velent said.

"I remember when I was in ganki I hit her and she had a cut, but she still didn't bleed. So maybe we need to be stronger then my ganki to really hurt her." Sam said.

"This is crazy sis."

A purple ring came at them.

"Move!" They jumped out of the way.

Brooklyn came in close. She threw a punch ,Sam was hit then she threw another Sam blocked it then she swung her zanpato at brooks neck it landed on it but didn't pierce through. Brooklyn grabbed the blade of Sam's zanpato and pushed away then yanked the zanpato towards herself, Sam was jerked toward her. Brooklyn brung a hard punch to Sam's face and knocked her back and immediately Velent came and kicked Brooklyn from behind, Brooklyn dodged it.

"Allzin push!!!" She pushed Velent back with her chakra.

"Renki!!!" Sam blew the blast at Brooklyn.

She jumped out of the way. Velent recovered and sped for Brooklyn.

"Hundred day jutsu!" She put Brooklyn under the jutsu.

"I could easily get out of here." She said. " Gen- jutsu release!" She yelled and she was free from Velents jutsu.

She was back and Sam was in her ganki.

"You think that a weak jutsu will keep me under control for long?" Brooklyn said.

"No but it gave us enough time to do some damage on you." Sam said as Brooklyn had a deep cut on her arm and was bleeding.

*While Brooklyn was in Velents jutsu.*

"Dance kikara!!!" Sam turned into her ganki. "Renki!!!!" She yelled.

"Spikey hair whip!!!" Velent yelled and the combination attack landed on Brooklyn's shoulder as she was already in the air falling.

As soon as it hit Brooklyn recovered from Velents jutsu and landed.

"Damn, looks like..." Brooklyn began to say.

"Sam back away, her chakra is rising." Velent said to Sam.

"Looks like your not messing around!!!" She yelled as her chakra rose.
"I'm going to kill you quick!!!!" Her attitude changed quickly as her cut on her arm healed.

"Water clone jutsu!" She yelled.

A water clone is just like a regular clone but it's using water elements.
It ran towards Velent, she backed out of the way and into another Brooklyn.

"Alzin squeeze!" Brooklyn yelled as a purple rubber band ring went around Velent and squeezed tight on her. Sam rushed to her rescue.

"Alzin barrier!!!" She was caught and trapped Sam into the ball like purple barrier and made it really small so she wasn't able to move much.
The band squeezed harder and harder on Velent, making it harder for her to breathe. Sam released a lot of her power to try and break the barrier but it wouldn't budge. All she could do was sit and watch as her sister slowly began to die.

"Velent listen to me, nod your head if you could move at all!" Sam yelled through the barrier.

"Noo..." She quietly said. Then she shook her head.

"Damn, try harder!" Sam yelled.

Brooklyn sat down and watch the two struggle.

"Sa..." She couldn't finish as she was completely choking now and she was not able to inhale any air.

"Velent!" Sam yelled. "No!!! Arrgghhh!!!!" Sam began to push all of her spiritual energy out but it was for nothing, the barrier wasn't even fazed.

"Cahck cahck..." Velent,gasping for air.

"There there Sam, just watch your sister die." Brooklyn said as she stood up and walked next to Velent.

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