Chapter 29: Lost soul

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It was 2:30 pm and me and the group waited outside the school because today was the day Velent will meet the grave.
I lost all of my tears now I'm in sorrow and Sam was calm, she's probably too laid back considering this was her sisters funeral.

"*sigh* Who are we waiting for?" Joel said.

"Rodericks mom and dad." Sam said.

Its been awhile since they been home, they were divorced but they had some tickets to the Bahamas for awhile. They barley returned and are joining the funeral.

"Why are you all even going? You don't even know Velent." I said.

"We're here for respect, she's Sam's sister and Sam's our friend, so it's only right for us to be here for her." Grislda said.

I stood in silence. We spot my dad's truck drive towards us and into the parking lot. It was a 1999 light blue gmc, he had loud speakers under the seats with a lot of bass. He parked and I began to walk towards it, my friends followed.
We got in the back seats of the truck and the rest of the group got on the rear. My dad backed up and drove off.

"So Roderick, you know this girl?" My mom said.

I didn't answer. "Yes, she's my sister." Sam said.

My mom looked as if she didn't have a response.

"What happened?" My Dad asked.

"She was shot..." Sam said then she turned towards the window, hiding her eyes.

We drove and drove for like an hour now, and we should be almost there.

I looked over at S and she was staring out of the window. Her eyes were dry from tears now. In fact her honey brown eyes looked their best in the sunset. Her maple skin glows from the lighting and she just looks so picture perfect as her long pony tail laid over her shoulder.

My heart tingles, "(She would probably have me snapping away if she knew how bomb she looked.) Your pretty." I say to her ear.

She smiles for a second and places her hand on my leg.

"Do y'all know where the building is?" My Dad asked.

I shook my head no. So we just rid around looking for signs.

"There it is." Greslda pointed and my dad drove in that direction.

We got out of the truck and headed into the church. Although most of us including Sam and I weren't wearing black we still paid very much respect for her.

We sat down in the front seats. The preacher began to preach. We listened. My eyes began to water again, and my mom was full out crying.
Whimpers sounded distant but heard clearly, All except for Sam. She was really the only one who wasn't crying.

"(Don't hold in your feelings Sam. It's ok to let it out.)" I said in my head.

"Now, rise through the isle and say your good byes." The preacher said.

I stood first and walked to Velents coffin as it was an open one. I placed my hand on her neck and looked at her.

"*sniff* Imma miss you buddy, I'll see you on the other side." I said.

I leaned over to fix her black hair strand her  forehead then walked away. Sam walked up, still not breaking a tear. She grabbed Velents hand and held it tightly.

"I love you big sister... I love you with my heart.. I wish I could of done something, it should of been me..." Sam kissed her hand then her forehead.

The line kept moving slowly. Then Sam's mom walked up. She looked in the coffin then burst out another set of tears and walked away.

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