Chapter6: Good spirits vs Bad spirits

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"Roderick help me!" Sam screamed I ran to help her and I slashed at the hallow and killed it."I'm out of energy... I can't fight any longer."Sam said.

"You have too, they need us S... where's Ryan?"

"Almost 2 hours and no help? Ugh and I don't know, I last seen him with Alex."

"We need to go." I picked Sam on to my back and started running off.

"I love you Roderick. "

"Remember I have a girlfriend. "

"yeah but I still love you." She squeezed me for a second then slowly started to fade away.

"Sam.... Sam.......Sam!!!!!" I stopped and laid her on the ground."Wake up now!!!I'm not playing!!!"

Her spiritual pressure was feeling  weaker. "Fuck! She used way too much spiritual energy! (On top of that she's still bleeding... How did I forget your pain Bestfriend?...)"

Ryan flew by with a lot of hallows behind him.

"tag!now you kill them!" He yelled but I didn't move.

Alex appeared and killed them.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

He seen Sam lying on the ground. We just stared at her. Just waiting for her to be messing around with us.... she wasn't... she's gone. I grabbed her zanpato and put mine next to her. I raged toward the hallows killing everyone of them shedding tears. A menos spawned. I ran up it and slashed his head.

"(She's not gone. Wait,if I'm the one who gave her that spiritual energy in the first place... then maybe if I give her more she'll be okay. But if it doesn't work then she'll be dead for good because I'm gonna have to stab her with Zoomgitsu.)" I ran back to her and switch out the zanpato's and I raised mine.

Someone held my hand stopping me... it was a woman's hand. But it wasn't Sam, I turned to see who it was.

It was Leelah.

"That wouldn't work sweetie. " she said as she winked at me; My heart pulsed as I almost killed off Sam.
"Rita,get Sam clear and start the healing process!"

Leelah was the strongest woman I know, she's way stronger than Sam and also was the lieutenant of squad 10 which means shes second in command of that squad. Her main duty is also to protect the captain with her life. She is very important. Her zanpato can't use banki which is the third and last stage of a zanpato but her Ganki was that her blade basically turned into a powder that she can control. Its very hard to see and there very sharp.

"Good job but let me and the rest of the soul reapers finish this." She said as she kissed me and Ryan on the forehead to reinsure us that everything is alright now.

"Ryan,you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Yep. But imma hit it first." He said.

"Nooo, I'm mean we should go out and fight some more,and she's like a thousand years old."

"She don't look it."

"Well,cuz people don't age when you die."

"Oh." We both ran out to fight with the little strength we had left.

I jumped up and swung at a hallow, it spat goo at me I dodge and a soul reaper came and stabbed its head.

"Ryan up there! Help me up!" He grabbed me and we flew where there was a big cut in the sky that was letting more hallows in from another dimension. He threw me towards it 'cause we bout that life.

" The Roderick and Ryan ninety one hit combo!" I yelled.

"Lame." Ryan just going with it like we planned it.

I bounced off of a hallow, then stabbed one, then I threw my zanpato and made a energy rope again and I was just whipping it at the hallows like Kratos from god of war. Ryan was blasting right threw them. I was riding a hallow then I crashed him into a skyscraper.

I slipped off.

"Ryan!!!!!" I yelled as I fell with the ground rushing toward me.

Leelah caught me. "Didn't I say we had this?" She said as we were standing on air.

"How are we floating?" I asked.

"We're not, you already know that there's spiritual energy everywhere so I just adjusted mine and balanced my self on it." She said as she walked down like it was stairs.

Ryan still up there giving his all. The captain of squad 10 Toshrio joined and helped out. He was 5'6 with light silver hair and ice blue eyes. He was in his banki, it was the sacred ice dragon his sword was pure ice and his body was covered in ice in the shape of a dragon.
His zanpato is very famous especially when Toshrio is like 13 and he mastered his zanpato and became captain of one of the most strongest soul reapers in the 13 court guard squad. He flew up with his dragon wings and shot out spikes of ice with his zanpato then he dashed at a hallow and cut it with his tail. Took them all on with Ryan just staring.

"Why did you guys come help us,I thought I was to disrespectful for you niggas." I said to Leelah as we were on the ground

"Well he didn't send us, more like we came because of you guys were introuble. "

"I had it under control." I bluffed

"But your "bestfriend" Sam is the one dying from fighting your fight and running all the way to tell me about while leaving behind a blood trail. Under control." Leelah mocked.

"Sam! We need to check on her."

She took me where Sam was. She was in a tent; under a blanket sitting up drinking tea. She looked up at me then I ran towards her and gave her the biggest hug. She dropped her tea on the ground hugging me back.

"I'm so sorry Samantha... I left you alone and couldn't be there for you..." I bury my head into her neck.

"Its okay Roderick really, They said if it wasn't for your power inside of me, I would of been gone a long time ago. Let them finish the battle." She said to me.

"Sorry,but I can't, Houston is my city to protect." I said.

She smiled at me. "I know, ever since I met you. Do your best then. (Because I'll never get the chance to be at your side like this again.)"

I ran outside, knowing that Sam was alright. I went back in for another round.

"Sam, why didn't you tell him that you couldn't use your soul reaper powers any more?" Leelah asked.

"Because..." She stopped.

"He's gonna find out."

"I know."

I know I've gotten a lot stronger since all this happened, and I know I'm not as strong as I need to be; I have no chakra left and my hand started to bleed because I've been gripping my zanpato so tight since I unleashed it.
We fought for hours on end. This relentless horde would not stop for anything.

"Lets finish this,RENKI!!!!" I stole Sam's move and swished my zanpato side ways and made a sharp electrified black and red energy come out and hit hundreds hallows coming into this world.

"Their retreating!!!!!" A soul reaper said.

"Wooo!!!" Every one started cheering and celebrating.

Me and Ryan ran towards Sam. "We did it!"Ryan said to her and she got up and hugged us.

"I knew you guys could do it."

Leelah walked into the tent.

"And thank you!" She said as she hugged her.

"Its time to go guys, see you soon though." Leelah said leaving the tent.

Ever since the soul reapers came too help Alex the Quincy disappeared.  We all went back to our normal homes after locking our warehouse door. We dropped Sam off first then I walked to Ryan's, then it was my turn to go home.

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