Chapter 15:Why Sam?

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Ryan's team was soon stocked up and they took the long way around from the battlefield to avoid fire.

"This is Ryan we are making way to the lab." Ryan said on the radio speaker.

"Good,I'm having a demolition team head there to finish up when your through." General reported.


"Its copy that son." General corrected.

They where driving for hours and there was no sight of any shelter or building.

"(Wait,then how the Russians attack us so fast,its a desert out here..oh)" Ryan started to remember the hole that appeared from the ground.
"(Then maybe that's where they hid at.)"

"Sir its gonna get dark soon what do we do?" Alpha captain said.

"We rest up then have an early start tomorrow." Ryan said,then grabbed the radio speaker. "This is Ryan we are resting at coordinates 30047x 2761y and the temp is 76 to 83 degrees f out here,over." He recited what he was looking at on the dash.

They all got out and put there sleeping bags on the ground and went to sleep.

"(damn,its that dream again.)"Ryan thought.

Ryan was back in that dark place watching Roderick and Sam walk together holding hands. Ryan clinched his fist.

"Do you finally see Ryan? Don't they look like there having fun without you?" The mystery voice said.

"Shut up. Shut up! Shut up!!" Ryan yelled.

"Just forget about them and come and take my power."

"No nigga i got my own fucken power!" Ryan shouted.

"You'll regret this Ryan." The world began to shake.

Ryan opened his eyes.

"You ready to move out sir?" Demolition Guy said.

"(Heh,they caught up with us.) Yeah." Ryan replied.

They cranked up the trucks and set out.

"We are reaching they're Emp field so we are gonna have to go on foot."The alpha driver said.

"Ok." Ryan reached for the radio speaker.

"General we are here." Ryan said.

"Good now, this just came in that there is some sort of gas grenade that puts you in some kind of trands, its said its very deadly to the core. So be careful. " General explained.

"Copy that."

"You learnin lil nigga." General said.

"What?" Ryan chuckled." I know i wasn't the only one who heard that."

They walked to the side of the building. The demo team stayed with the trucks.

"There's a ladder up there,Ryan if you could loosen it down we could get on top and through the vents." Charlie member said. 

"Ok.( Can't believe he said lil nigga)." Ryan flew up to the ladder and pressed the handle to let it down.

They climbed up and snuck to the biggest air vent.

"Ok before we go in change all your weapons with silencers." Ryan said mocking like every first person shooter game.

They did, then they went inside the vent.

"Does anyone even have an idea of what the room might look like?" Bravo member whispered.

No one responded because they were trying to make less noise as possible. Ryan stopped. He rose his hand with two fingers, meaning there were two guys down below. Then he bawled up his fist which means hold your position.

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