Chapter 42:A quick rest before becoming ready! PT.2

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"Ryan are you ready!?" Leelah said.

"Let's go!" Ryan spreaded his legs.

His arms were crossed in front of him then he pulled them to the side of his waist with his fist bawled up.

"Haaahh!!!" Ryan started pushing his spiritual energy out.

Blue fire circled around him and shot up.

"Raahh!!!" Ryan charging up his power.

"Alright, LETS DO IT!" Leelah instantly let out her power without even charging it but she didn't have a aura like ours it was more subtle.

Blue spiritual energy raged from her body. "Haaahh yeeeaah!!" Ryan pushed out all of his power all at once. "Like this!?" Ryan's fire was blasting through the ground. Fire raged from his body. He appeared blue even his clothes.

"Yes!(Incredible. The fire acts as his spiritual energy aura. I have to be careful.) Ryan now i want you to give all you got in a attack!" Leelah steadied her zanpato infront of her.

Ryan put his hands to one side of him like he was going to do a kamehameha.

"I seen this once on a show." Ryan started making a ball of fire in between his hands. It got bigger and bigger.

Me and Sam arrived just in time and we seen Ryan charging his attack.

"No way! Leelee taught him kamehameha!" I set Sam down and watched.

The fire ball kept growing exiting his fingers.

"TAKE THIS!!" He brung the ball of fire infront of him with one hand upwards and the other downwards. It streamed out of his hands violently towards Leelah.

"Shit no choice!" Leelah zanpato turned into dust and shielded her.

*froomm pffsshh!!*

"AHHHH RAAWWR!" Ryan thrusted even more power into his fire kamehameha.

His spiritual fire raged to the back of him pushing rocks and sand away from him.

*frrroomm rashhh!*

"(its hot, it might melt my zanpato! What do i do!?)"

The fire began to break the zanpato dust shield.

Alex quickly grabbed Leelah and moved her out of the way.

*brink frroom!!!*

"AHHH!!!" Ryan was pushing all of his power in this attack.

"Woah, that was too close." Leelah said as her zanpato came back together. "(These guys never hold anything back.)"

Ryan's attack began to die out then it stopped. Ryan dropped to a knee and all the spiritual energy around him disappeared.

Me and Sam ran to his aid. "Bro that was sick!" I said to him.

"He damaged my zanpato."Leelah muttered.

Her zanpato was burned and pieces of it was disintegrated in the blast.

Ryan got up. "I tried to do a kamehameha." Ryan said.

"Haha i know." I said.

Leelah walked to us and showed us her zanpato.

"Holy shit." I put my hand to my mouth.

"Ryan did that?" Sam asked.

"Yes..." Leelah said.

Alex resumed his training.

"My bad. But you wanted me to put my all in it." Ryan said.

"Can it be fixed?" Sam asked.

"It takes time to heal on its own." Leelah responded.

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