Chapter7: back to normal...I think?

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*Knock knock* someone was at the door. I took my time getting to the door and grabbing the knob.

*knock knock.* I finally opened the door.

"Hi Rody!" Sam screeched.

"H-hey S..." I said barely waking up.

"Isn't it a little early?" I said as I shivered a little. "Its cold wanna come in?" I asked.

"Barely any sleep last night, Sorry." She walks in and sat on the couch.

"Hey I'll be taking a shower, here's the remote." I said tiredly as hell.

"Ok,but can I pee first?" She asked.

"Didn't you go before you left your house?"

"No I didn't have too."

"Ok hurry up." I yawned.

She went to the bath room and takes awhile.

"(Its been five minutes. It must be a shit emergency.)" I thought.

Sam was in the bathroom covering her self with powder,to throw off a soul reaper sense of spiritual energy. That way I would confuse spiritual energy with each other. Then she came out.

"About time." I said as I walked in and I seen that there wasn't any toilet paper.
So my second guess was that she was on her period.

I took my shower and got out. Then I seen her crying. "S what's wrong? Its ok if you had your period in my bathroom." I foolishly said.

"No dumb ass. 'Sniff' never mind. Put a shirt and jacket on and lets go."

We left out. "Hey Sam, is there something that your not telling me?" I asked.

She didn't answer. Then we got to our curb and she laid on my shoulder trying to hold back her tears. "Sam I can't help if you wont tell me anything." I told her.

It was 6:30 and the bus came and we got on. She sat in the front and I sat next to her. Then instead of her leaning towards the window she leaned on my shoulder again.
This was a sign that she was hiding something major from me.

"You don't have to tell me... because if it was important than you would of by now." I accidentally selfishly said."(that sounded way better in my head.)" The bus started going and there was not a single sound from her.

"I love you too." I said.

"What?" She kind of tuned in."

"I love you too, remember? I was just saying back what you said to me. I just wanna let you know that I do care about you even if I don't show it. I swore to protect you since the day we met and I'll keep that promise. No matter what relationship I'm in or whatever else we will not break apart. I'm really sorry for letting you go through that pain by yourself. I will not slip up and let you almost leave this earth again." I said.

Sam listened and glanced at nothing for awhile. "Roderick."


"I....I..." she stopped. "I never want you to leave me again! I was so scared when he showed up..." She said.

"Okay." She started to cry again. "Its okay. I'm right here."  I turned to hold her.

We arrived at school. We met up with the group. "Hey baby" I said as I went to hug Priscilla.

"Ryan, I need to talk to you." Sam said.

"For what?" Pilar said as she checked Sam.

"Its important." She locks eyes with her.
They went up stairs.

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