Chapter 38:Intense Training

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"Come with me Ryan." Leelah said having Ryan follow her somewhere.

"Where we going?" He asked.

"Somewhere for you to train. A place where you can't be bothered."

They were walking through the streets of villages.

"(So when I die, I come here.) Leelah."

"Hmmm?" She looked back at Ryan.

"Why is you helping me?" He asked.

"I will explain after training. Don't want you worrying on details with your small brain." Leelah said.

"That insult was lame, I'd expect more from someone who has a more age experience." Ryan said.

Leelah flash stepped away.


She appeared behind Ryan, grabbed him by his head and smashed toward the ground. Ryan caught himself before he made impact with the ground. Then he kicked back but Leelah flash stepped away again. He looked around. Grey dust started swirling under his feet.

"Haaa!!" He shot out a weak flame, the dust surrounded him. He was pushing out his fire but it was too weak it was like a lit match.
Leelah lifted Ryan up and slammed him on the ground. Ryan bounced backward out the dust taking scratches.

"Ryan your fire, works on spiritual energy here. You see its very weak, now dont you." Leelah walked towards Ryan then slapped him hard and walked off.

"Don't ever put age and me in the same context again or i will kill you." She said.

Ryan followed her.

They walked on top of a hill then toward a cliff.

"This is a good place. You ready?" Leelah turned around and said.

"What!? Already!?" Ryan braced himself.

"What do you mean already, that was a long ass walk of course right now." She gripped her zanpato.
Ryan gulped and bawled his fist. She threw her zanpato on the ground a distance ahead. Sticking it into the dirt.

"Ryan, sit to the left of my zanpato and hold its hilt." Leelah ordered.

He walked next to it and sat down.

"No, Indian style,criss cross apple sauce." She said.

"See the way my legs are set up-"

"Shut the fuck up and do it!" Leelah shouted.

Ryan had a plain face then he slowly did it.

"Tired of you complaining,your worse then Roderick..." She was saying.

"Ehh.....Ehh..Ehh." Ryan, struggling to cross his legs. He held the hilt. "Now what?" He asked.

"Just sit there and feel the flow of my spiritual energy."

Ryan sat there.

"Relax and let it flow." Ryan took a deep breath then exhaled.

"Make a small fireball, don't even put effort into it." She continued softly.

Small fireball appeared in Ryans hand.

"I don't feel anything." Ryan said.

"Shut up." Leelah responded.

Ryan sat there. His fire ball started swirling and it grew. Ryan looked at it then kept his calm.

"Thats my spiritual energy going into that fireball." Leelah said.

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