Chapter 45:What Strength Means!

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"What was that!?" Ryan asked.

"He's fast guys." I stated.

"Well no shit, Rody I think it's time to fight with your full power." Sam said.

Dre eased his swords. "You mean your not even fighting me at your full strength!?(This kid is already strong as it is already, but if he knows banki then...)" Dre thought.

"Tch..." I held the wound on my stomach. "I think. We all need to use our full power." I looked up at Dre.

Dre floated down to the ground. Sam,Ryan, and Alex stood next to me.

"Friends..." Sam said

"Comrades..." Alex said.

"Heroes..." Ryan's said.

"Those that are free..." I said.

Our energy linked up. A wind brew and swirled around us. Our clothes and hair started moving as the force of the artificial wind grew stronger.

"Banki!" I pointed my zanpato forward and white spiritual energy blazed from me.

"Armageddon Mode!" Ryan bursted a blue fire rage.

"Fuck it why not!" Sam's hollow energy consume's her and half her face grows a hollow mask.

"This will be the...-Your worth the sight of a Quincy's full potential!" Alex Rose his wrist and the spiritual energy needle was through it. He broke both sides of the needle and his power grew more than ever.

Spiritual energy filled the battle field. It roared louder than any possible sound at this time. We were linked together, at our maximum level in strength and power.

"Team destruction... I like that." I said gazing through transparent white aura flames.

"SEND THAT BASTARD TO HELL!!!" Leelah jumped up cheering.

Dre instantly raised his power too. Some how matching ours.

We all dashed at him and he dashed at us. We simultaneously leaped forward toward each other.

"Strike in front of you everyone!!!" I yelled as i sensed that there was a Dre in front of them not visible.

We clashed into each other and it was like a nuke set off. *boom!!* The cluster of power broke the dome.
Within the explosion we were all fighting at terrific speeds. Faster than the Papa John's guy when he makes,boxes, and delivers your pizza.

Ryan and his clones spurred fire at Dre,but he dropped to the ground, Alex's arrows tailed him. Dre jumped back up swiveling from them and brung a knee to Alex. Alex blocked with his hand and backed away, Dre turned to Sam and dashed toward her. She did the same. Another Dre appeared infront of Ryan. Ryan swung a fiery punch connecting then another punch but missing.
I appeared behind Sam. She struck a blow at Dre and he did the same. I leaped over Sam and brung a slash of my own. Dre twirled away and swiped his other sword at Sam as he did. She blocked it by holding her Zanpato behind her then blocked the other by bringing it back in front of her.
An arrow shot through Dre's calf and he slowed down by a mili second. I came from the side of Dre and thrusted my zanpato at him. He was getting ready to block but i quickly appeared infront of the Dre Ryan's attacking and stabbed it through his chest.

"Ahh!!" Dre dropped to the ground.

"Get that dome back up!!!" A soul reaper yelled.

The smoke subsided from the explosion and Dre was to a knee.

"What happened!?" Another soul reaper said.

The dome is back up. We were fighting for acouple of seconds but felt like minutes.

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