Chapter4:The double date and Sam

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It was a couple of days later and I asked out Priscilla, she said yes. Me and Ryan wanted to have a double date at some vegans place call Olive Garden. And so we went,and left Sam at the warehouse by herself. We could tell she was very jealous when we left.

"Sam's pissed." Ryan said. "How come you never ask her out?" He asked.

"Because, she's my best friend." I replied.

"And nigga, if I was in your position I woulda been smashed Sam's sexy ass you trippin." Ryan said.

"Then why you didn't shoot your shot at her instead of Pilar?"

"I tried too, she only ever hit me up when you don't text her, or she may need something, or she'll text me to ask to hang out... With you. She tamed on you bro I don't know why you not hittin." Ryan shrugged his shoulders as we walked across the street.

"Well the reason why females like her won't let you passed their defenses is because your targeting their pussy and they know it. You go for what's in her mind and later comes the pussy, my son." I teach this youngster.

"..." Ryan stares at me as we stopped walking. "You act like you've fucked before with yo extra ass." He laughs at me.

We finally arrived at olive garden and sat at a table. Pilar and Priscilla eventually came.

"Hey Ryan! " Pilar said and went to kiss him.

"Hey Priscilla. " I said.

Waiting for a kiss. I was disappointed.

Meanwhile back with Sam.

Sam was playing mortal combats story on Ryan 's Xbox. Then she remembered she needed to ask can she delete his story to make a new one. She picked up the phone and called him.

'Ring ring' Ryan answered his phone. "Hey S, what's up?" Ryan said.

"Hey I wanna delete your story mode on mortal combat. Can I?"she asked.

"Umm just make a new profile(knock knock knock) and whose that knocking at the door?"

"I don't know. Let me check wait right- " then some one started slamming at the door and she accidentally hung up the phone. "Ugh.(It has a lot of spiritual pressure! That's for sure.)" Sam thought as she walked toward the door.

"So what did Sam say?" I said." Oh nothing just checking up on us."

"You should have told her to cook something that has meat in it."

"What's wrong with this?it has meat. It's pasta." Priscilla said.

"No, this is not a mans meat, am I right Ryan?"

"Gaaaaay," He says back.

Sam put her hand on the doorknob and twisted it open. It was a man with blue hair and glasses.

"Does Roderick live here?" He said with a nerdy murderer kind of voice.

Sam didn't answer.

"I'll say it again. Does Roderick live here!?" He said a little rougher then let himself in.

"Your not a spirit so how can you have all that spiritual energy? "Sam asked.

"My concern doesn't go to you... soul reaper." He said and looked back with an angry eye.

"How do you know that?" Sam asked.

"I tracked him down... From you. The one whose leaking the most spirit energy."

"What." Sam's awareness rose." (Is this true? The whole time I yelled at Roderick for letting out to much power and I'm leaking mine out,letting guys like him track us.)"Sam thought.

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