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As I watch Eris guide Piper out of the bunker by her wrist, I feel a pang of hurt that I don't know anything that's going on with her right now. What was she reading? Why did she think she's been down her for half an hour? What was up?

"Hey guys," Frank's voice rises from a corner behind a few shelves of books and weapons, where he is out of our sight.

"What is it, Nutty?" Hazel calls out as she walks toward his voice.

"I think you should take a look at this." We all hurry over to where Frank stands at the wall.

"Oh my gods," Percy runs his fingers over the glowing blue delta imbedded in the dirt wall.

"Could this be," Hazel whispers underneath her breath.

"The last of the labyrinth?" Az finished for her.

"Yeah." Hazel stares at the blue delta with awe and wonder.

"Hold on, lemme take a look." Az pushes her way to the front and places her hand on the wall. Her eyes close and shoot open again.

"Flory, Faun, come take a look at this." Flora and Fauna gingerly run their fingers over the wall around the delta and their eyes widen.

"Παιδιά νομίζω ότι αυτό είναι το αρχικό λαβύρινθο." Flora says, half of us understanding, the other half having learned Latin in the place of Greek, completely lost.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that in English or Latin?" Reyna asks.

"Yeah whatever you said is Greek to me. Pun intended." Frank's little pun earned him some chuckles from the group.

"What she was 'Guys, I think this original Labyrinth.' Meaning that this is an ancient part of the real Minotaur's labyrinth which makes no sense because the labyrinth was in Crete, not Macedonia, Athens,Thessaly or wherever we are." Percy explains.

I check my watch which tells us that we've been down her for three hours and keeps spinning at an incredible speed.

"Hey guys, let's go back up and get some rest, okay? Time is flying down here, why don't we figure out the situation tomorrow?" Everyone nods in agreement and follows me upstairs. I notice the hands on my watch progressively slowing as we ascend the staircase. I go over to my cot and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.


"Okay, Eris, would you mind telling me where are we going?"

Piper, do not speak out loud where Gaea can hear us. Use your telepathy. Eris's voice interupts my thoughts as we climb the rocky path lined with Alpine firs.

Right. Sorry. So what did you want that takes an hour long hike away from the others for? Eris stops in her tracks, and I almost run into her.

We're in a small clearing that's on surprisingly flat ground. It makes me start to wonder if the ancient Greek's used terrace farming here. Eris turns around and faces me, holding up Calidora's diary.

Where the hell did you find this?

It was in the bookcase in the cellar, why?

Do you realize how much this is worth?

Okay, Eris I am not selling Calidora's diary. I go over to Eris to grab the book from her hands, but she lifts it out of my reach. I put my hands on my hips and she starts pacing around the edge of the clearing.

Piper, it's not for selling at all. Do you recognize the ink in this?

No. Why?

This is written in something called Mnemosyne Ink. Do you know what Mnemosyne Ink is?

Again, no. Why should I?

Mnemosyne Ink is a rare kind of ink that takes now around three hundred years to make. It is produced by none other than the goddess of memory. This is the first of the stuff. Calidora knew when she wrote this diary that someone would read it someday and we have been trying to prevent that from happening.

Why? Calidora was a good person with a simple story. Eris throws her head back and laughs.

Actually it's quite the contrary. See, Calidora ended up in the middle of a love triangle that she couldn't get out of. When she had finally chosen a suitor, the other planned to kill him and run away with Calidora. Of course, she wouldn't stand for that. So before the two fled, she took a knife and killed the one who threatened her lover. The thing about this ink is that when you write with it, the reader goes and relives those words just as you visualized them. But it only works on real memories. And I already know that you were reliving her memories. And we fear that since she is your ancestor, her decision might sway yours. And we don't want you to have any outside influence that could cause you to make the wrong choice. So, I'm going to need you to not keep snooping through your ancestor's life story, okay? I nod my head.

"Alright. Let's get back. Tomorrow is the big day, so get plenty of rest."

Eris takes my hand and teleports us to the threshold of the yurt. When I go inside, everyone else is asleep, so I slip into my pajamas, and fall asleep on my cot.


Hey minks! Okay the next chapter is IT! The battle with Gaea! The climax of the story! I am SOO excited to write this and I hope you are as excited to read it as I am to write it! I gotta go but I love you soooo super duper much and thank you for 17k reads! Thanks so much loves! Mwah!


Maggy Poohp

Shatter my heart but please don't break itDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora