The House Of Hades

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I look at the sentence over and over again, and realize that these doors are open.

Nico's hands start shaking, and Hazel wraps her arms around him.

"It's okay Nico. It's over now you're okay." I feel bad for the poor kid. His fourteen (or like, seventy, you know just depends on the way you look at it) year old sister is comforting him when he's supposed to stay strong and be able to comfort himself. Not happening. Sorry bro.

"No. This is not how it's supposed to go down. Everyone, if your Roman, go to the door on the left. If your Greek go to the door on the right." Rachel instructs.

"Now, don't close them, open them." I'm a bit confused, but we do as she instructs, opening the doors all the way.

"PERCY! ANNABETH!" It takes every once of self control I have not to run up to them and hug whatever life's left out of them. They start running towards us, hand in hand.

"NOW, AS SOON AS THEY GET THROUGH, YOU CLOSE THEM!" Rachel shouts over the roar of monsters in their bleak abyss.

Percy and Annabeth come charging through, and we shut the doors. Suddenly, all I hear is whooping, cheering, and Roar by Katy Perry... Not exactly sure where that last one is coming from, but it doesn't matter. We have Percy and Annabeth back.

Percy and Annabeth are kissing while smiling like the cutest couple in the entire frigging universe looks like they need to talk to Oprah about they're issues next to Percy and Annabeth.

We run out of the stone hall way, and out of the front doors making sure nobody's left behind. Nobody is and I can't help but let my face split in two pieces from my smile (not litterally for those over literal readers out there).



It's night time, and Percy and Annabeth just want to get some sleep. Annabeth jokes that she's not letting Percy dissapear again from her this time, and they both go to sleep in his room.

Hedge grasciouly smiles and I catch him doing a victory dance once everyone's gone.

I'm in my cabin working on a "Welcome Back From Tartarus!" Gift for Percy and Annabeth who I'm positive are using the soundproof walls in his room to their advantage when there's a knock on my door.

"Come in," I say, thinking it'll be someone like Frank or Jason or Nico or Hedge or Rachel, who wouln't mind me working without a shirt because it's too hot.

Oops. It's Piper.

"Oh, sorry, I thought you would have a shirt on."

"I thought you would be one of the guys...Or Rachel, but she's eternally single, so," Piper laughs, and I'm hit with a memory of Piper and me in a pool, me splashing her, and us chasing each other in circles.

"Memories sometimes suck." Piper says, rubbing her temples.

"Tell me about it. I've been getting the weirdest memories of you and me dating before Jason came."

"Oh my gods, me too! This is crazy. We used to date." I make a sour face like I just ate a lemon, and she laughs.

"Well, we did look and feel really happy back then."

"Yeah," I agree.

"The mist is weird like that. It split's up a couple that had been together for four years, then creates a couple that hardly lasts a year. I mean, I love Jason but I don't really know if he loves me as much as he love's Reyna, and I don't know if I could handle a life like that." She shrugs, and I summon a fireball.

"Whoa! Leo, what's with the fireball?" I look down at my hands, and grin. I grab her hand with the hand that's not on fire, and drag her to the upper deck.

Once we're there, I throw the fireball up into the sky. It sparks like fireworks, and curls and flows into the most elborate designs of anything and everything. She looks in awe up at the elaborate fireworks, I smile. That's what friends do. We make each other smile when the other one needs it.

She looks me in the eye, and I mezmerized by the carribean blue green that swirls in her iris's.

She blushes, and we both look away.

We go back down to my room, and I show her the marble satue of Percy and Annabeth that I'm making for them, holding hands the way that they were when they first came out of Tartarus.

She smiles at it, and admires my work.

"Leo, I have to tell you, evrything you make turns out perfect. The ship, this staue, festus... Everything has been a sucess." I look into her eyes and see that she means what she says.

"Now, I have to do this before I loose confidence, so," And she walks right up to me, puts her hands on my face, pulls it down and kisses me.

I'm caught off gaurd, but, once I fully process what's happening, it just feels so familiar, so comfortable, I can't help but kiss her back.

"Oh my gods." Piper and I jump apart, to see a shocked Annabeth just standing there in the doorway, wearing nothing but one of Percy's big t shirts, that he keeps, why I have no idea.

"Annabeth! What are you doing here?!" I ask her.

"Well, I thought you weren't in here, and I was going to use your belt to conjure some con-c -co-c col- colgate because Percy and I are uh, brushing our teeth and we have no toothpaste, and I saw you two kissing, so I uh, um, uh..." We stand there awkwardly, for a minute or two, before I decide to speak.

"Okay, well next time when you and Percy are 'brushing you teeth' just get your own damn toothpsate!" She nods, and scurries out of the room.

"I'm sorry Leo, it's just that whenever I see you now, I revert back to the person I was when we were together, and it's confusing as Hades, and I don't know what I'm doing anymore, and it's just so complicated," Piper's voice cracks, and she puts her head in her hands, and I wrap my arms around her (for comfort for the Jiper shippers out there).

'It's okay Piper, it's okay. I know how you feel, I've been feeling the same way. All the memories are really confusing me, and I don't know what's happening to me either. Just remeber, if you fall, I fall."

"Together or not at all." She says back to me, and I we stand there for the longest time. I know now I'm not just the provacative ex, I'm also her shoulder to cry on.

No matter who she ends up with in the end, my shoulder is always her shoulder to cry on.



Questions: Did the Pleo kiss seal their door shut on any future they might have together, or is it just the beginning of something that will last forever? Ooh, that rhymes!

Yeah, that's all I got...



~Maggie Poop

Shatter my heart but please don't break itTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon