The Kidnapping

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When I wake up, Piper and I are snuggled together. How that happened, I don't know. We were sleeping on opposite sides of the bed, but whatever.

We get up, and she get dressed out there while I get dressed in the bathroom. She joins me in the bathroom to brush teeth in a pair of denim shorts and a dark blue tank top.

"Morning," She says as she enters.

"Hey," She gives me a quick kiss on the lips as a greating, and we brush our teeth. I get a little laugh while she attempts to brush her hair from behind. She glares at me playfully, and I take the brush from her, and brush it smooth.

I'm struck with a memory of me brushing Piper's hair in the morning, and then her turning around and kissing me. Apparently she's hit with the same memory, and she turns around, puts her arms around my neck, and kisses me. I put my hands on her hips, and after about five seconds we break apart.

We go upstairs for breakfast, and eat up fast. I go down to training then hit the showers an hour later.

I see Piper give Jason a good morning kiss after training, and it's not quick. I push down my jealousy, and say good morning to Az.

Fauna is grooming Arion and some black pegasaus that Percy keeps glaring at. And it's the glare that he gives when someone makes a dirty joke about Annabeth. Can Pegasi make dirty jokes? Apparently yes.

Flora conjures a boquet of bluish purple and oragne roses for Percy, and the same for Annabeth.

"To represent how even in both camps across the country, not knowing anything about eachother, your love for each other still burns like the flames in my sister's eyes when somebody eats something like meat."

"I'm assuming that you're all vegan?" Annabeth says, admiring the flowers.

"Absolutly not. It took four trips to a slaughter house getting covered in guts and twelve pukes to turn us vegetarian. We could never go vegan." I'm surprised by that answer, and then I hear that voice in my head that told me Az's last name.

Leo. Piper needs you in five minutes exactly. Be right by her side in a place where you can take cover easily. Trust me on this.

I oblige to the voice.

Four minutes later, I take Piper's arm and steer her away from Az.

"Hey French, check out the new addition to the rec room. Her fingers lace right through mine, and I give her hand a squeeze.

We walk into the rec room, and I close the door beind us. She gasps at the beautiful stage.

"Leo, it's..." She doesn't get to finish her sentence because she's cut off by a masive earthquake. I jump over and wrap my arms around her.

"DON'T CALL ME AZALEA!" I hear Az's voice booming loudly and deeply from the upper deck. The earthquake is lasting longer than it should. It's been twenty seconds already.

"COME ON!" I say, my arm still around Piper, and we run out of the rec room to the upper deck. Az is in the middle of a green glow, her hair going out in waves like she's under water, her earth brown eyes have gone the color of burning black coles, and her feet are hovering three inches above the ground.

"AZ! CALM DOWN - " I stop yelling when I see who Az's rage is directed towards.

"Gaea," I whisper in rage. Jason runs up behind Piper and grabs her waist.

"Azalea darling, get down from there. You're separating yourself from your power source: Me." Damn, I never realized how much Gaea resembles Anne Hathaway.

"DON'T! CALL! ME! AZALEA!" Az shoots out an arm towards Gaea, and a zap of green glowing electricy shoots out towards her mother. Gaea dissapears before the zap of light energy hits her.

Az falls to the ground, her brown hair falling down, and her burning cole balck eyes return to their normal light brown. The greenish glow around her dissapates, and I run up to her and help her up.

"Az, are you okay?" I ask, my eyes locked on hers.

She puts her head in her hands and shudders with sobs. When she looks up, I notice that her face is completly dry.

"I don't cry." She says, answering my unasked question. "Children of Gaea that are half mortal can cry, but our eyes have never seen tears. Ever." I help her up, and she smiles gratefully at me, and walks away.

"Hey, Az," I say, catching up to her.

"I think your boyfriend Vick called your cell earlier today. I was still installing the monster protector app on it when he called. I think you might want to call him back." I hand her her iphone, and she mutters a thanks, and calls her boyfriend Vick.

"Hey Vick," She says, one ear plugged, a smile forming on her face when she hears his voice. 'How's it going hon?" I leave Az to oogle over her boyfriend on the phone and go back to check on Piper and Jason.

"Not so fast Leo darling," A beautiful light female voice says from behind me. That's when the burlap bag is placed over my head, and I black out.



After the two minute earthquake, Jason and I go to the rec room so I can show him the new stage that Leo set up. I squeeze his hand and smile brightly.

He looks into my eyes, and I see pain and hurt covered by love and passion. I lean in for a kiss, and his soft lips touch mine gently. I feel that annoying slight reluctance in the kiss, and I decide to let my thoughts, my worries, my emotioins, everything go, and just kiss him. I can still feel it at the begining, but then it wavers and dissapears in patches at a time. I have to work on my guilt issues.

After about a minute, we break apart, and walk away. I go over to Annabeth who looks a little green.

"Hey Frenchy," She says, holding her stomach.

"Hey Ann," I say. Annabeth smiles, and then looks like she's about to throw up, and runs over to the railing and vomits over the edge. I run over and pat her back.

"You okay there?" She stands up straight, and nods, then shakes her head, and pukes over the railing again.

"Here, don't throw up until you get to your and Percy's room, and throw up into a waste basket." I charmspeak her so she doesn't puke until she reaches a waste basket in her room.

Percy runs up to me. "What happened?" He asks, concerned.

"Oh, nothing really. I think Annabeth might have a stomach bug. Here, go downstairs and take care of her, k?" He nods, and jogs after his girlfriend.

I decide I need to talk about my mother about Helen's curse, and I turn a corner and scream when I see Leo's body being dragged away by an unseen captor.


AGH! Leo's been kidnapped! HUZZAH! The House Of Hades came out today! BUT THE MAIL WON'T COME UNTIL AS LATE AS 7! THAT SHOULDN'T BE LEGAL!

Questions: Who kidnapped Leo?

Why does Piper still feel reluctance when she kisses Jason?

Why did Annabeth get a stomach bug and throw up?

And why haven't I told you that SMHBPDBI has hit 2,000 reads? Yes, it's true! I have to thank every one of you for making this possible. I love you all, and can't wait to see what really happens after Percabeth falls into Tartarus!

Thanks for the two thousand!


~ Maggie Poop

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