Honey I'm home!

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Quick word before I start, the chaoter is called honey I'm home because Athena's statue has been away from her home the Parthenon for millenia, so... yeah...



"What?" I say astonished.

"You heard me. We're here Beauty Queen!" He grins like a mad man, and I can't help but grin back at him, and fail to ignore the squeeze around my heart.

We all get up, and go down to the stables where the Athena Parthenos is hanging out, and we do our drill.

I get into my harness, and instead of the usual comfortable snugness I feel, is it feeling too loose.

"It's a two person harness." I say, remembering that I'm supposed to drop down with Jason. Not happening.

"I'll go. Save you from messing up the cords too much." Leo grins, and slips into the harness attached to mine.

We drop down like Halle Barry did in Die Another Day, and I'm suddenly very aware of Leo right behind me. I blush because I can feel the rise fall of his chest, I can feel his warm breath on my cheek, I can feel his calloused hands on top of mine above our heads, holding onto the cord that is dropping us into the crumbeling ruins that is the Parthenon.

"Wow," Leo says in pure awe.

I look where his head is pointed, and I gasp.

I see Greece's rolling lime green hills of grass, old marble ruins, deep valleys with lush grass and strong mixes of autumn and summer trees, tourists with togas and tunics, women carrying wicker woven baskets on their heads as we get closer to the ground, and top notch clean truly blue fresh water rivers and springs and creeks running around everywhere, with their naiads cleaning their watery garments in their homes.

It's so pure, so beautiful, so

"Flawless," Leo whispers.

"Agreed." We high five without taking our eyes off of the magnificent view of Athens, Greece.

I'm dissipointed when our feet touch the stone floor of the Parthenon.

I blush when Leo helps me out of my harness, and his hands are on my waist and torso.

I see his tan cheeks turn a rosy pink of a blush of when your around someone you like, and you can't stop from grinning...

Oh Gods. Leo and I have the exact same blush and facial expression. See above.



As I help Piper get out of her harness, I can't help from blushing, and I fail to conceal my grin. Once she's out, we need to create a distraction. I have an idea, but it vanishes too quickly because I realize Annabeth is the only one who could fake an architect for the Greek Ruins Preservation Society, an organization I just made up.

"Follow my lead." Piper whispers, and I nod.

We go behind I large crumbeling pillar, and she orders me to conjure a tunic and a toga. Prefolded and set up of course.

I do as she tells me to, and she cleverly slips her tunic on, then takes off her unnessasary undergarmets, like her shirt and shorts. I take off my shirt, and put the toga on over my head, then take my cargo shorts and tool belt off underneath it.

When I look up, Piper is in the middle of putting her hair up in two braids weaving in some small flowers she plucks off of the plant life growing in the cracks of the pillars. I conjure a golden circlet for her to complete the look, and two cameras, which we put in the hidden pockets in out clothes. We trade out our sneakers for sliver Greek style sandels.

Finally, we look like all the other tourists snapping pictures in front of the Parthenon, and trying to climb up the columns using the cracks as footholds. Although, that's mainly just the kids, and college frat guys and sorority girls who are here abrod, and are playing a game of truth or dare...

"I can't believe that there's evidence of some of the bacteria in these ruins that has a scientifically proven link to alzheimers here. Come on, Leo, let's go check out the villages." Piper says loudly.

About half of the tourists grab their small children's hands and start walking away with some of the frat guys and sorority girls. We have the inside to ourselves, but there are still a lot of the tourists outside of the ruins, still snapping pictures and such.

"Hey, Piper, did you know that the Parthenon is 98% unstable, and is likely to fall over this way at any second?" I say loudly as we walk amongst the tourists that have stayed behind to take pictures, and I even see a girl say yes enthusiastically to a guy on bended knee who has a diamond ring in a velvet box, and we stop to clap for the happy couple. But about 3/4 of the tourists are clapping while jogging away.

I see Piper's multicolred eyes brim with tears and I understand why. The newly engaged couple who are in the middle of putting the ring on her finger look exactly like Percy and Annabeth. He has black hair, and hazel eyes, close enough to green, and she has gray blue eyes and light blonde hair. They have similar features too. I pat Piper's shoulder and say,

"We'll get them back. I swear on the river Styx." Piper's eyes widen, and I just smile.

Soon enough, everyone is out of view of the Parthenon, and we learned that the couple's names are Preston Jenkins and Annabell Base. Of course.

I conjure a flare gun out of my tool belt, and shoot it up at the ship. They lower the Athena Parthenos down to the Parthenon, and they all drop down in harnesses, like bungie jumpers, but without the bunjie.

We start giving orders to Hedge on how to work the controls for directing Athena back onto her pedestal.

Her base touches the pedestal that once held her mighty presense in the heart of Greece, and the Parhtenon is engulfed in a silvery golden light, and when I open my eyes I'm hit with a minor memory of Leo and I hugging after I almost accidentally fell off of our dorm roof.

I gasp. The Parthenon is completly restored to it's original glory.


YAY! Joyous times in the kingdom! Preston and Annabell are happily engaged! YAY!

Questions: Is Piper now officially into both Leo and Jason?

Do Preston and Annabell have anything to do with Percy and Annabeth?

Are they a message sent from above (or below)?

Is Pleo going to take over Jiper?

Is Jiper going to take over Pleo?

Or is it neither?........

Thank you all for staying wiht this story, I am so excited about all the love I'm getting about this, so thank you very much. Follow for a chapter dedication!

NEWS OF THE FREAKING YEAR: I have decided who Piper ends up with and it is......... Oops, can't tell you. :)


~Maggie Poop

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