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I wait in Leo's bed a Jason bursts through the door, and is at my side instantly.

"Piper, what happened?" He searches my eyes for answers. Pht. Like he'll get any.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Chill. I just remembered something from before the mist. A real memory. Apparently Leo and I have known each other since we were twelve." His face relaxes.

"Oh. Okay. Do you need to rest?" He asks me.

"No, I just need rest." Jason grins, and runs back upstairs to kill another monster or two. I lie back down on the bed, and try to remember more.

"Pipes," Leo approaches me cautiously. "What did you remember?"

I look into those big brown eyes, and know that if I lie to him, he'll figure it out in two seconds.

"I remembered a series of times of when we said that phrase to one another. If you fall I fall, together or not at all." He winces a little.

"What did you remember?" I ask him, knowing he just remembered something.

"First time I saw you. We're at a police station. A cop's badge says California state trooper." It's a small memory, so it doesn't cause him much pain. Poop.

"That must've been my first criminal record." I say. My first crime on my criminal record, numerous additions soon to follow.

"I remember. You broke into school in the middle of the night and screwed with your grades and stuff. You swore the janitor gave you the key and let you in." Now I'm confused.

"Wait, when did I tell you about that? I never even told Jason my first crime. Why did I tell you?" He shrugs his shoulders.

"I dunno. Maybe because you wanted to tell someone else with a criminal record...? Who knows." He pops an altoid in his mouth.

"Probably before the mist." Leo nods in agreement.

I look down at Leo's hands. Why does he have those? That mixture of plants and seeds when waved under my nose in my sleep would wake me up instantly. Why? I have no earthly (or unearthly) idea.



"Why do you have my wake up remedy in your hand?"

"Your what?"

"Wake up remedy. My dad used to always wave that under my nose when he wanted me to wake up as a little kid. For some reason the smell always woke me up."

"Wait wait wait, back up, back up. There was a way to get you out of bed in the morning without having to smother you? I want my money back."

"What money?"

"It's a phrase. That's not the point. The point is, why are we all of a sudden remembering all this stuff?"

He asks me the one question that I wish I could answer out of millions that I knew. Of course, I don't know the answer, so I have to want to know it more than anything else. Until I'm struck with another memory. More recent. It's the fake memory of me and Jason, of our fake first kiss. We're dancing underneath the starry starry sky, when the moonlight hits his face, and all the air leaves my lungs. It's not Jason.

It's Leo.


Hey! Sorry for not updating in a while! My cousin was here from Chicago, so I haven't had much time for writing. Sorry!

Now the games have begun! Why are they remembering everything now? Why does Leo remember Piper's first crime and Jason doesn't? And of course, the only one we all really care about: Why does Piper have the meteor shower with Leo?

Vote, comment, and keep reading! Thank your to my loyal readers! I promise to keep posting! Bubye!

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