Breakfast and Training

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I smack my alarm clock, and sit up groggily in bed.

The clock says 4:45 AM.

I switch it off, and get out of bed. I get dressed, try combing my hair, but it just gets stuck, so I stop, and put on my toolbelt.

I trudge upstairs for breakfast at 5, and pass a half alsleep Rachel who says hi, and I have to keep her from stumbling up the stairs.

"Is this how early we get up every moring?" Nico groans while pouring himself some block coffee.

"Unfortunatly, yes." Nico and Rachel moan.

I pour myelf some black coffee once Nico's filled his mug and I dump four packets of sweetener into it and stir.

"Where are all the powdered doughnuts?" Frank asks as he strides into the buffet room, holding a half eaten powdered doughnut in his hand.

"How did you get that? You weren't even in here 5 seconds ago!" Rachel shouts. All of the girls on this trip are not morning people.

Frank winks. "I have my ways of getting powdered doughnuts in the morning."

"Hey Nutty." Hazel kisses Frank's cheek as she enters the room.

"Morning Gems." Hazel calls Frank Nutty, which is short for donut because he loves powdered donuts, and he calls her Gems, because she conjures cursed rocks.

It's so cute how she just gets up on her tip toes to give him a good morning kiss. (Shipper of Frazel here).

"Ooh, coco puffs!" Hazel speed walks over to the cereals and pours her self a big bowl of coco puffs.

"Morning." Piper walks in like a zombie followed by Jason, with Hedge wedged neatly between the two of them.

When Piper and Jason both move for the coffee pot, Hedge quickly jumps in front of Jason, and pours the black coffee into his round flask. When Piper and Jason both get bagels, and both reach for the knife near the cream cheese at the same time, Hedge swats Pipers hand away.

"Very subtle Hedge," Piper commenets sarcastically. He winks

"I got your back." We all laugh and I choke on my too-sweet-and-not-so-black-anymore coffee.

"Piper, I heard you scream last night, was everything okay?" Rachel asks, between bits of scrambled eggs.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just had this weird dream where this guy kept asking me about my chest." We all laugh at Piper's dream.

"I dreamt that you screamed. Oh wait, that actually happened." Jason forces another laugh at my joke.

I can tell that he's uncomfortable having conversations about Piper's chest dreams. I have to cut the guy some slack, they were dating for almost a year, and now she's having open conversations about her chest.

"Hazel showed me this amazing art room last night, and we played paintball, because she had two unloded guns, and we put clumpy paint where the bullets normally go!" Rachel smiles.

"Where did you get two unloaded guns? And where is this art room, I do not remember building an art room." I ask them, really curious right now.

"So that was the gunshot noises that I heard," Hedge gives us a crazy evil grin.

"We got the guns from your belt after you fell asleep." Hazel and Rachel laugh.

"Do NOT take two unloaded guns from a guys magical toolbelt!" They continue laughing.

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