Helen's Curse

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I try to go to sleep, but I can't. I try counting sleep, I mean sheep. Nothing. I try saying goodnight to all my fingers, toes, bones, major veins and arteries, and limbs. Nothing. I even try charmspeaking myself, but that doesn't work either. So I end up just staring up at the ceiling. Not even that works.

So I go up to the deck, and see Mellie kissing Hedge goodbye, and try not to gag. She dissipates into nothing, and Hedge retreats to his cabin. I slip out onto the upper deck, and lean on the railing, looking down at the bright lights of different cities and towns.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I almost fall overboard.

"Holy shi - Mom?" My mother smiles at me, her now auburn colored hair flowing behind her in waves of silk like hair, her kaleidoscope eyes swirling in a multicolored haze of beautiful colors.

"Don't curse because you're shocked Piper darling." She's wearing a light blue filmy dress that fades into green. Her legs are longer than Mt. Olympus, and her complexion is perfect. Annoyingly me looking.

"I didn't - Why are you here any way?" I stutter.

"Same as you. Can't sleep."

"Do goddesses even sleep?"

"Sometimes. It's like vampires in Twilight with breathing. We don't need to, but it's pleasant."

"Got it.'

"So have you decided yet?" She asks.

"Decided what?"

"Who you're going to choose."

"Mom, I was just faced with this huge decision that creates the rest of my life. Do you expect me to decide in one day?"

"No. But I didn't expect Silena to decide in one day either." I'm taken aback by her answer.

"Silena? As in Silena Beauregard?"

"Yes. She was faced with the decision between Luke and Charlie. She thought that she had the most time in the world. She waited for two years before she was finally about to choose Charlie, and then she lost both options. And all other options along with it."

"You mean... She died because she didn't choose fast enough?"

"Yes. If she had chosen sooner, then she would still be alive today."

"So are you saying that if I don't choose between Jason and Leo, then I'm going to die?"

"Not just you. Luke's outrage when he found out about Silena and Charlie caused him to sacrifice his body to host Kronos. She played a much more important role than just an inside spy. Helen of Troy was the first to create the problem. The Trojan war lasted ten years, and then she died. They never tell that part in the stories. Annabeth was the first child of Athena to find the Mark Of Athena in time to save the Athena Parthenos and bring peace to the two camps. The line of female Aphrodite children have a similar task. Every generation, the strongest daughter of Aphrodite would have to break Helen of Troy's chain of death and heartbreak. Also known as Helen's curse. All of the major wars that you can think of all dwindle down to Helen's curse."

"The American Revolution."

"King George III and George Washington, Martha Custard. One of them is always with the 'Helen' before the argument."

"The Cold war."

"Don'r remember the exact names, but that Russian queen or first lady or whatever and her husband and that American general guy who lead the American Army at the time."

"The Civil war."

"Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, and Julia Grant."

"Didn't Robert E. Lee have a wife, Mary Lee?"

"Yes, but she died of arthritis."


"Osama Bin Laden and some woman that he wanted to be his wife, but she was American and married. She died in one of the twin towers."

"The second Titan war."

"Obvious isn't it?"

"Do you watch Sherlock?"



"I already told you."



"Oh. Silena, Beckendorf, and Luke."


"Okay, I know that there have been very many wars that have dwindled down to a daughter of Aphrodite having to decide between two men, and then dying, but that doesn't mean that Leo and Jason are going to start a major war."

"Quite the opposite darling. Think about a certain prophecy."

"What prophecy?" Mom just smiles wistfully at me.

"Oh my gods." I say when it hits me.

"To storm or fire the world must fall." Storm is Jason, and Fire is Leo.


WOAH! Who saw that coming?

Questions: How long does Piper have before she has to choose?

Will Piper die? (Unlikely)

Who will she choose?

When will the chapters start getting themed like The Bachelorette?

I am so sorry that I have not been able to update faster, I've just been caught up with Sherlock, fangirling, school, homework, and yesterday I threw up in STAR (STAR is what we call homeroom at my school), and I had to go home, and was really tired and lazy. My school has this 24 hour policy where you can't go to school within twenty four hours of vomiting, a fever, or having any other kind of contagious disease. So, here it is. Thank you for being so patient!


~ Maggie Poop

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