Percabeth chapter!!!!

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Hey guys! Before I start this chapter, I just want you to know that this chapter is from Percy and Annabeth's point of view, and sadly, they will not be regular narrators. This whole book will be written from Piper and Leo's point of view. Exception: This Chapter. Thank you all so much for reading, commenting, and voting! I will be posting a book called Struggle from Annabeth's POV that takes place after all this, so make sure to check it out. Thank you! And sorry about this long author's note.



I'm falling.

That's all I can think of right now. The last thing I remember, is seeing Percy, and savoring that last ray of glorious sunlight before the tug pulled us both down.

His arms are wrapped around me, cocooning me in himself, making me feel like I always do, that no matter what, if I'm in his arms, then I'm in utter protection, safety, and love.

My eyes have been shut tight for however long we've been here. It could be hours, days, weeks, or just minutes.

Suddenly, my feet have touched ground. Have we really been falling for so long that we've reached the bottom of an endless put of despair and doom?

I didn't think it was that long.

"Annabeth," Percy whispers.

"Yes?" I reply, reassured by his voice.

"I just wanted to make sure that your here, and I'm not imagining you."

"No, I'm really here. Come on, we have to find the Doors of Death. I think this is our stop." He reluctantly lets go of his hold on me, and I instantly regret looking for the stupid doors if it means he can't hold me.

He laces his fingers through mine, and we start walking.



I don't want to let go of Annabeth, but if we're to find a way out of here, then I have to. I can tell she doesn't want me too either, but I grab her hand less than a half of a second later.

We start walking, and she stays close to my side. I don't actually know where we're walking, but I always thought I would see like, all my worst fears and horrible slain monsters. But instead, I just got bleak darkness.

"How are we even supposed to find these doors?" Annabeth asks, sounding more like herself, and less scared and afraid.

"I have no idea. Hey, I'm sorry about your knife and laptop. I can't say I know how you feel, because Riptide fell too, because riptide's in my pocket now." I pull my trusty ballpoint pen out of my pocket.

"It's ok. I have everything from the laptop backed up onto a computer back in the cabin."

"I know the knife meant a lot to you. It was all you had left of the old days, with just you, Luke, and Thalia. There's no weapon that can replace it."

She just shrugs and keeps walking.

"I guess it needed to happen. I always had this small voice in the back of my head that told me if I hung on to that blade, then I could get the old days back. Now that it's gone, that life is behind me. Luke is dead, Thalia's a hunter, and I can take care of myself without a knife. I'll miss it like crazy, but in the end it's just another blade on another hilt. I needed that." I stop, and turn her around so she's facing me.

I cup her face in my hands and bend down to kiss her. If there's one thing that I can do to stop tears from coming from my eyes or more importantly hers, it's kissing.

I love Annabeth more than anything in the world, and those ten months apart were just the long distance part of our relationship. If have to give up my life for her, I will.

"You can't keep your hands off of me, can you Seaweed Brain?" I laugh, and shake my head.

"I guess not, Wise Girl." She smiles back, and right now, it's all I want.

My mom, dad, Paul, Tyson, Camp Half Blood, Olympus, Jason, Leo, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Nico, New York, and every other person I've left behind is probably mourning the two of us right now.

I smile at the thought of my mom scolding me right now.

"Percy! No making out in Tartarus until you've closed the Doors of Death!"

"But mo-om! I wanna! Why don't you just close the doors yourself." I can't even laugh it's so funny.

All I can do right now, is this.


So! What did you think of my Percabeth chapter? I know, I know, it's really sappy and cliché, but they're traumatized by Tartarus, or *insert good excuse here*.


Yeah, I got nothing.

Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting! Please continue doing so! Thanks!

~ Maggie

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