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Az steps down from the stage and cries into Chiron's chest as Flora and Fauna's bodies wrapped in earthen green flags are tossed onto the pyre. Vick's body is next. Fauna had been thrown against a column and hit her head too hard.

After the ceremony, I find Piper. I hug her from behind and kiss her head. She leans into my chest and we watch the smoke from the campfire rise up and up and up into the skies.

"Leo?" She says, her voice strong and proud as always.


"I'm glad I chose to go your way."

"I'm glad too. Either way, Annabeth would've swooped in to save the day and we would all be okay." I bury my face in her neck as she continues talking.

"No, if I had chosen to go Jason's way, we would've ran across Annabeth and convinced her to run away. She would be the lone survivor." I nod my head in agreement.

"True. Speaking of Jason, you haven't been with him since we got back on the ship. You should go to him." Piper escapes my embrace to turn around and face me.

"Leo, I talked to Jason and I've made up my mind." She grabs hold of both my hands. "Leo, I choose you. I love you." I can barely speak. Then I remember something that Eris gave me.

"Piper, I need to ask you something." Her expression turns grave.

"Anything, anything at all darling. What is it?" I pull the silver ring out of my pocket and get down on one knee. Her hands fly to her mouth and she lets out a gasp.

"Piper McClean. Would you make me the happiest most privileged demigod in this planet, and marry me?" Shocked, she says nothing for a few seconds. Then,

"Yes! Yes Leo Gods a million times yes!" I slip the ring onto her finger and we kiss, both smiling and laughing. I hear a huge commotion of whoops and cheers from the shadows and half of camp half blood appears from the trees and runs over to lift us up on their shoulders. Jason is included as he and Reyna hold hands as they cheer us on. After all the heartbreak, happiness, and madness that we've experienced in taking down Gaea, I can finally say that it's all over now and that everything will be alright.


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