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Reyna and I walk in step, and then stop behind a little hill when Az does.

"Aw, come the f - - - on! What in the name of f - - - is this mother f - - - - - doing here? What the f - - - - - - s - - - is this f - - - - - - cyclops doing?! COME ON!" If a sailor were here he would've washed her mouth out with lye soap.

"If a sailor were here he would've washed her mouth out with lye soap." Leo and Jason said simultaniously.

"Aw, cute little wavelength s - - - you got there. But I need to kill this f - - - - - - monster before he kills you!" Az screams. After Az's little swearing episode, the cyclops decides to use his super hearing to listen to Az throw a temper tantrum.

"12 HEROES! 1 ORACLE! 2 CHILDREN! THIS MAKES GOOD DINNER FOR MAX!" The giant cyclops, Max, starts lumbering towards us, arms outstreched. While the rest of us scatter, Miss Aswearica stands firm on her ground, as if she glued herself to the spot on purpose.

"OH MAXIMILLION! DON'T YOU REMEMBER ME?" Az shouts up to the cyclops.

Max(imillion?)'s face goes as pale as a ghost.

"AZALEA," He whispers, as if he remembers the voice and has horrible memories attached to it.

"That's right Maxi. The one who defeated you four centries ago?" Four centries? What on earth is Az's real age, because I'm beginning to think that she's not seventeen.

"4,274 years. That's how old I am." Az throws over her shoulder.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN?!" Leo yells at her.

"Maximillion, if you think you can TOUCH these demigods, you are sadly mistaken. Now, I'm going to have my comrades kill you and you better sit there and take it like a monster, because let me remind you, there are things worse than death, and I know how to use them." I stand there open mouthed and baffled at Az's sudden burst of confidence.

"Yes Azalea." The cyclops wimpers. Az smiles coldly.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Get him!" I take charge and stab him in the leg. Leo throws a fireball at him, and Jason throws a golden axe at him. The beast crumbles to dust before anyone else can do anything to harm him.

"Az...?" I say when Az walks back to us, brushing moster dust off of her shoulders and arms.


"What's your story? I mean your full, uncut story with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Az takes a deep breath, then starts.

"4,274 years ago, when Gaea was last awake, a young man named Christos caught her fancy. He was the son of Hyperion, the titan of light, whom Jason strangled on Mt. Tam. Gaea and Christos were lovers for a short while, when she became pregnant with none other than me. I was born and my mother bore Flora and Fauna a decade later. After she bore Christos three daughters she flung us aside, so we would not be raised to learn our full capabilities and powers. Christos wanted nothing to do with the spawn of the earth goddess, and turned to Dyonisis and his wine. He beat us regularly until one day, he struck down Fauna and Flora with a single blow, and something inside of me exploded. My powers were like caged animals and he had released them. In a wild rage, I killed him and somehow revived Flora and Fauna in the process. We ran away and kept shelter with the Fates. We befriended them and in return they granted us each a vial of water from the fountain of eternal youth from Hebe. I am eternally seventeen and they are seven. We helped them weave tapestries of lives and tear them down from the looms to begin new lives. When I heard of my mother's possible demise, I knew I needed to help. That's where you come in. I told you that the twins had no idea they were demigods for sympathy points. Obviously, that wasn't true. So, here we are." Az smiles without her teeth, and takes Vick's hand and squeezes it.

"Wow. That's, uh,"

"Impressive?" Az finishes for Vick.

"Yeah. So, is this relationship pedophilia, or...?" Vick jokes and earns himself a good laugh from us all.

"So how did you get that cyclops to let us kill him like that, and can you do it again?" Leo asks, in between impressed and shcocked and confused.

"I killed that same cyclops 400 years ago and just implanted false memories in his mind of horrible torture. Well, really just embrioded and embelished the memories. He died after ten minutes or so, but in his mind it was fourteen hours of fear and immence pain."

"What kind of pain?" Jason asks, stepping away from Az just ever so slightly.

"I simulated the pains of giving birth." For some Az looked over at Percy as if to say, 'It's extremly possible that you could be next.' Percy shivered.

Then, I see it, and truly understand the magnitude of fast food franchise: Right up ahead is a McDonalds.


Hello my little Minks! I've missed you!

Sorry for notnupdating sooner, I've been procrastinating.

Questions: Why'd Az look at Percy like that?

Is Jason afraid of Az now?

Why is there a McDonalds on Mt. Olympus?

Okay, so I have HUGE news. I've decided that it's high time to kill somebody off.


I could never hurt your feelings and turn you against me. So, I want YOU to vote for who you're saving, and who your killing. And the original seven are off limits.


~ Maggie Poop

Shatter my heart but please don't break itNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ