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Okay, fine, I admit, I got a little jealous when Piper ran over to Jason like that. Okay, a lot jealous. But, then again, who wouldn't be? The most beautiful girl in the world loves me, and I just let her run into the arms of my rival/ best friend, Jason Grace.

But I can't mind too much, or who knows what kind of screaming will come from Piper. I feel kind of bad for Jason. He hasn't known her as long as I have, so he doesn't know how to react when she screams at him. I know that she enjoys when her father shouts at her, because it means a full day of attention from a man who can barely take a lunch break at work. But she's very delicate when someone who isn't her father screams at her. That's mainly why I was so worried about her and Jason when they had that big fight.

The truth is, we all have a rock. Percy is Annabeth's, and Annabeth is Percy's, Frank's is Hazel, along with Nico, Hazel's is the memory of her mother. Jason's is Thalia, and Rachel's the rest of us. Flora and Fauna's is Az, and Az's, if she even has one, is probably her boyfriend Vick. Mine is the Argo II. I know, it's cheesy and all, but it's true. And Piper's rock? Me. Not just that we're... Um... Romantically involved, let's put it, but because we've known each other since age twelve. Before we were a couple we were best friends. She needed a shoulder to cry on, a friend to talk to, and, well, a rock. That never changed, even after the mist altered our memories.

Jason doesn't know how to handle the situations when she screams at him, he doesn't know to agree with her in a soft voice, let her huff and puff, and scream a little more before she breaks down and cries.

I remember the day that we met. It'd weird, how our memories are coming back painless and abundant now. We were twelve years old. I had run away from yet another foster home, and Piper had broken into her school after hours with some delinquents and messed with her grades, and her teacher's personal stuff.

I was sitting in the front room of the police station, waiting for whoever to come pick me up and whisk me away, when Piper entered through the front door, with a scowl on her face, being escorted by a California state trooper. Or was that the guy who found me?

The pretty brunette was seated down beside me. She cast a glance at me, and looked back down at the ground.

"Hey," She said shyly.

"Hi." I responded. "What are you here for?" I asked, eager to start a conversation.

"Breaking into my school after hours and screwing with the grades and my teacher's emails. You?"

"Ran away from my foster home."

"Oh." She said. I could tell what she was thinking. Probably, 'So he's one of those rebellious foster kids I've heard about.'

"Why?" She asked. I could tell that she was bold, and curious. Under other circumstances I would've just said "Not your business." But I felt compelled to answer her question for some unknown reason.

"Since my mom died, and my Aunt Rosa put me in my first foster home, I've never really felt like I belong anywhere. The Steins are no exception."

"Did you say your first foster home?" She asked, obviously intrigued.

"Yeah. I've run away from foster homes, six times now. I get put in a new one every time I run away." She held out her hand to me, and I shook it.

"My name's Piper McLean."

"I'm Leo Valdez." She still wanted to talk to me, even after hearing that I'd run away from six foster homes in four years.

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