The Bachelorette

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I wake up at five AM sharp, and just stare up at the ceiling. I feel as if I cheated on Jason, but we're taking some time off of our relationship, so it doesn't count as cheating.

I kissed Leo.

Three days ago I would have puked into a garbage can, and cleaned my mouth out with every kind of mint in the world. But now, I can still taste the faint flavor of Altoids®on my lips from last night, and like it.

I don't know who I am anymore. It's just all so confusing. I mean, I love Jason more than life itself, but I feel the exact same way about Leo.

There's a knock on my door.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Jason."

"Come in!" I say, hoping he doesn't hear the edge in my voice.


"Hey Jason."

"So, I heard that you kissed Leo last night." Well that escalated quickly.

"Excuse me?"

"Cut it out, Annabeth told me."

"Wow, thanks for keeping my secret Annabeth."

"Really Piper? Really? I can't believe you would do this to me!"

"Look, Jason, we split, remember? I know, we're just taking time off, and we're going to get back together, but who I kiss in the meantime is none of your business! Just stop being my big brother for a minute okay?"

"Your what?"

"My big brother. Your constantly doing everything an older brother does with his younger sister when she's dating a guy. He gets all protective, thinks he knows what's best for her, thinks if you kiss a year into your relationship, your taking things too fast, tells her who she can and can't date. We may not be siblings, but your a total big brother." He's at a loss for words.

"Look, just leave, and let me get rest for breakfast, okay?" He slams the door, and I get changed into my exercise clothes.

I put on my thin fabric light blue bathrobe, and start my walk up the staircase.

I open the door to the buffet room, and of course the one person that's already there is Leo, who's setting up a banner that says "WELCOME BACK FROM TARTARUS PERCY & ANNABETH!"

"Oh, hey Piper." Leo says casually.

"Hi Leo." I go straight to the coffee and pour it into my mug until it's filled to the brim. I take a swig of the bitter black energizer, and dump about five packets of sweetener into it.

Jason's the next to show up, and I want to cry. The two guys that I love the most in the world are here in this little buffet room, and I just want to crawl into a hole in the earth, rock back and forth in the fetal position and cry for about ten years and explode and die.

Then, I feel mirth and joyousness, like the cure to cancer, Alzheimer's, and every other incurable illness out there has been cured when Rachel walks through the door, and reaches for a sesame seed bagel, letting me take the last plain one, when I know she's allergic to raisins, and she hates sesame.

She just gets me like that.

"Hey Rache. How'd you sleep?" I ask, hoping to shift the tension in the room from awkward silence to striking up a conversation with Rachel.

"Pretty good, thanks to the sound proof walls in Percy and now also Annabeth's room." She winks, and I laugh. I smear a huge chunk of cream cheese on my bagel, and whisper "Thank you." Into Rachel's ear.

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