The Battle

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I wake up in a cold sweat from a dream that I don't remember. I look around to see everyone sleeping. Except for Eris.

"Leo," she whispers. "Leo get up. It's time to train for the last time." I follow her out of the yurt and she teleports us to the clearing to save us the hour of walking. The infamous circle of grass and rock surrounded by Alpine's appears before my eyes. But something seems different.

"Okay Abrax, let's begin." Eris looks completely different than the punk rocker with multicolored hair and black clothes that I met a few days ago. The tattoo is still there and her eyes are still red. But now she's wearing a black to red gradient chiton with Greek sandals. There's a shining black circlet around her waist length black waves of hair. Goddesses have always been beautiful, but Eris's appearance right now is more then just beauty. It's a sort of understanding. One that makes me feel like she is the most forgiving of any mistakes and one who can accept and forgive those who truly regret their sins. Almost like, a darker side of the God that my aunts and cousins used to pray to at night and worship on Sundays. There were no true sins with Eris. And I could feel that radiating from her body, even from twenty feet away.

"Good Gods, why did he kiss her like that?" My tongue formulates words that I don't mean to say, and I realize that I'm not in control of my body. I'm not even sure that this is my body. It's like I'm a spectator inside of myself. My arm throws a fireball at Eris, who catches it, and it disappears.

"Remember who you're really angry at, Abrax. Not Barak. Not Calidora. Not the gods or goddesses. Not the nymphs who decorated her. You're mad at yourself." With that one line, I'm transported back to my own body in front of Eris in a black Fall Out Boy concert tee with ripped black jeans and combat boots. Her hair is back to its multicored to red ombré tied back in a high pony tail.

"Well, looks like someone is having flashbacks. Abrax is your ancestor and the first demigod son of Hephaestus. He is your brother and the eldest of your mother's fathers. And Leo," I gulp and nod.

"Yes?" Eris takes both my hands and I feel a small object transferred from her hand to mine. She leans in close so her mouth is right next to my ear.

"This is yours now. When the time comes, it will do its job. But in the meantime, just keep it with you." Eris distances herself about twenty feet and I examine the object. It's a sterling silver circle with a single diamond nested in it. On either side of it lie drops of amber. When I look up from the engagement ring, Eris is smiling at me.

"You'll know when." With that, she grabs my wrist and we teleport back to the yurt.

"Your training is complete Leo. And to be perfectly honest," She lowers her voice to a whisper. "I'm rooting for you." I smile and enter the yurt where everyone is getting ready for the battle with Gaea.


Leo walks in through the door with Eris and slips something in his belt.

"Well, I guess we're all ready now. Remember, I have the celestial gold gun. I'll shoot, and she falls, and you guys make sure to defeat the giants." Az holsters the glock in her belt and we hug Eris goodbye.

"Good look. And remember that chaos is on your side." Eris winks at us and before our eyes she evaporated into thin air. Where she's going, we don't know. But wherever it is, she has unfortunately passed into: The Twilight Zone. Just kidding hahaha. I was just messing with you.


"Alright, we're almost there. And one more thing before we begin. I love you guys. It's been a huge honor to be a part of this quest. Ever since we met in Paris, I have been looking forward to this moment. Now that it's finally here, I know that I wouldn't want anyone else by my side. Thank you for making this experience the best that it has ever been and I love you guys." Az hugs us all and wipes a single tear from her face. "Alright now let's go kick some Gaea ass."

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