The Basin

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Before I start, I need to say that this chapter is dedicated to @theawesomeone1000 and @greatof2 for follwoing me! Thak you!



"Whoa," I whisper and awkwardly push away from Jason, who I somehow wound up hugging while the light was shining.

The crumbeling Greek ruin that was the Parthenon just seconds ago is now clean and polished, with the Athena Parthenos glowing in a regal manner, and I find myself basking in the glory of it. The floors are a shining series of mosaics depicting the gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus in the most regal auroa possible, and I stifle a laugh when I see my mother in a tunic like mine, only attracting the mosaic attention of doves and roses rather than men and gods.

None the less, the artist who put together these mosaics got all of the gods eerily accurate, like he had them stand in front of him modeling for him.

There is so much more to the Parthenon then I ever imagined there could be. There are flaming braziers for each of the gods, with a ten foot tall statue behind each one to show which god to sacrifice to.

There's a basin that looks like it could be Chrysoar's contanct lense. I walk over to the giant's contact full of water, and look at my still, unmoving reflection. I let the tip of my right index finger in the middle of the water. A single ring ripples out from it.

All of a suddenthe floor beneath me dissapears, and I fall into the earth.


When the lights come on, I see..... Myself. But older, and I have a golden ring on my finger with a sapphire inbetween two diamonds, and a simple platinum band covered in little emeralds.

My hair is pulled back into a bun with a lock of hair lining one side of my face, and I'm balancing a baby on my hip with a toddler in a stroller that I'm pushing.

Then, an older version of Jason appears right next to my future self, with a wide eyed baby in his arms, and a little boy in a stroller identical to the one I'm pushing.

We keep walking until we reach a big house, and I see the backround when the little toddler boy and girl start waddle running up the steps and into the wide open front door.

Then, Jason and I are sitting on a yellow couch, watching the children play with their toys, and the babies in little baby swings. I'm cuddled up into his side, and we meet each others gaze, and share a kiss of happiness.

Then, future me looks over her shoulder at me, and says, "This is one possible outcome. Let's see the other." She waves her hand and the scene changes.

This time, I'm not as old, and my estimated age is 24 rather then 28. I'm in a hospital gown in a hospital bed. A nurse is pushing a cart with a little baby swaddled in pink in it and I smile brightly. There is a little boy playing on my bed, who looks about two, and I'm holding on tightly to some one's hand... It's Leo.

The nurse picks up the little girl, and places her gently in my arms. I'm smiling so wide my future face threatens to tear in half. The little girl shifts a little, and starts sucking on nothing. I smile, and start breast feeding her, and I look up at Leo. He's smiling brightly, and we kiss out of pure joy.

Later, we're pulling into a driveway in front of a big house, and the little boy waddle runs up to the door, and Leo and I are taking little April, according to her baby carrier, into her new home.

She smiles a gumless smile, and Leo takes my face in his hands and we share a passionate kiss.

Leo sneaks up behind our son, and horseplays with him, and the little boy is giggeling and laughing like crazy saying "Daddy stop! *giggle*" I smile with future me, who meets my eyes and sarts speaking.

"This is the other outcome. If you don't choose soon, all of this," She waves her arm gesturing to my future, 'Will not be an option. You'll end up with neither Jason nor Leo. Please. Do it for me. Do it for your children."

"But, who do I choose?" I ask as future me starts to dim.

"Our future is in your hands! Just listen to the shards of your shattered heart, because both of them will shatter your heart, but they won't break it. Good bye!" I want to ask so much more, but I can't.

Suddenly, I'm right back to where I was, staring down at my refelction in the clear basin.

"Hey, Pipes, everything okay?" I look up at Jason and Leo's concerned faces, looking back and forth between the two of them.

"Yeah," I say with a confident smile. "I'm fine."



Piper's standing at a water basin, just staring shell shocked into her reflection. Jason and I both walk up to her and say "Hey, Pipes, everything okay?" She looks back and forth between the two of us, then puts on a confident smile and tells us she's fine.

"Hey! Guys! I think I found something!" Hazel shouts.

We all look in her general direction, and she gestures towards a set of old oak double doors, with victorian designs and knockers on it.

I jog over there with everyone else, and she opens the doors with a loud squeak and groan of rusty hinges. Could use some oil, maybe have the doors replaced entirely, and just put a sanded and polished copy of them there instead-

"Leo! Enough thinking about fixing the door hinges, let's get a move on it!" I shake myself from my thoughts, and we start walking into the open doors. I conjure seven flashlights out of my tool belt, having taken the time to change back into my normal clothes, and pass them out to everybody.

We point our flashllights in all different directions, hoping to spot something.

"Hey! Check this out!" Rachel says, and we all look where her flashlight is pointed.

There's a pair of double doors idetical to the ones we just walked through. πόρτες του θανάτου

Are the Greek letters in an arch across the top.

"Oh my gods," Hazel mutters.

"What is it?" Frank asks, sueezing her hand.

"The Greek tranlsaltion for that is Doors Of Death."


Whoa! Who knew that the Parthenon was the House Of Hades? I actually didn't plan for that to hapen for too long! It just sort of happened...

Questions: Who will Piper choose?

Why will it ever become too late for her to choose between the two guys?

And the only queston we actually care about...


I really just want to thank you all for staying with this story for as long as you have, and for being so patient with me all through it. You guys are the best, and right now, I'm giving you all a virtual hug.

I'm not going to be the annoying irritating obnoxious person who's never going to not read your comments, who won't follow back, and won't read your stories. Thank you all for reading and staying with Shatter My Heart But Please Don't Break It, I could not thank you more.


~Maggie Poop

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