The IM from hell

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It's a little late for us demigods when I hear Piper scream. I pause How I Met Your Mother before Barney Stinson finishes saying legendary, and run into her room.

"What's wrong? Are you okay, was it a nightmare, did a monster try to kill you?"

Her eyes are full of fear and tears.

"No, Leo, look." She says in a high pitched whiny voice which sounds like she on the brink of sobbing.

I turn around, and my heart skips about twenty thousand beats.

In the Iris Message is Camp Half Blood in flames. Above the fire, Reyna stands tall and proud, and I cannot imagine why I ever got turned on by her.

"Piper! You need to come back and save us! You too Jason, I know your there, whoa! Is that Leo? Did you guys break up? Aw, I'm sorry sweetie. Not the point. Any who," Conner and Travis Stoll turn around, and one of them presses a button on a remote, and then they're in the untouched, unharmed sweet sweet safe haven underneath Thalia's tree, looking out on an untouched, unharmed camp.

"What you just saw is not what has already happened, but what will happen. All of New Rome is out to get us, and they have us greatly outnumbered. We have all the satyrs, nymphs, and Cyclopes and good monseters on our side, but we need you, you, Jason, Hazel, Nico, Hedge, apparently Rachel, Percy, and Annabeth to save us from certain death by the Romans and - "

"Conner," Piper puts up a hand to stop him.

"In case no one has informed you already, today, Percy and Annabeth fell into Tartarusleaving us two people short. Leo fell over board, I dove after and saved him, and Jason screamed at me, so we broke up and I just got a frigging heart attack, so will you play that little PowerPoint in TARTARUS FOR ME? Because the next time I see you two, I will punch you so hard in the throat, you will not be able to breathe for the next twenty four fricking hours!" She whips out Katoptris and throws it at he IM from hell.



I know ever since Percy and Annabeth's fall, Leo has been more protective of me.

I think back to the memory of us kissing on the rooftop, and of me charm speaking some Canadian couple off of our roof, and Leo flipping them off.

Without meaning to, I my eyes go from his eyes to his lips. I know where his gaze is, and it's a lot lower than my eyes, if you know what I mean.

"Stop staring at my boobs."

"Sorry. In my defense, they were staring at me." I slap him across the face and laugh and point.

"Haha, you got slapped by a girl! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Oh shut up, I'm bleeding where your nails hit my skin,"

"That's what you get for staring at a girls boobs when she's not a hooker, or a stripper."

"Okay, well, if I can't meet the twins, can I at least see a picture?"

"I'm sorry, but are you referring to my breasts as twins?"

"Yes, does that surprise you?" He asks arching an eyebrow.

"Yes, and no way in Hades will I show you a nonexistent picture of my chest!"

"Draw me one?"


"Tell me about them?"

"Absolutely not!"

"Describe them to me?"

"See above."

"Okay, will you at least tell me the cup size?"

I sigh. "34C."

"Yes!" His eyes have raised to my lips, and I can't help that mine have stayed in his.

I find myself leaning in along with Leo, and our lips meet.


I bolt up in my bed in a cold sweat, and I look around.

My hand goes above my heart, and I feel the steady rise and fall of my breath, glad that my "twins" remain unlooked by Leo Valdez.

"Pipes, is something wrong?" Frank mutters as he sleepily appears in my doorway.

I look at my alarm clock and it reads 2:23 A.M. I wave my hand dismissively.

"No everything's fine. I just had a bad dream."

"Okay. G'night Biper." Frank slurs as he disappears behind my doorframe back to his cabin right next to mine.

I lay back down in my bed, and lie in blissful peace and silence for about and hour when my eyes open wide.

It wasn't just a dream.

It was a demigod dream.


DUN DUN DUN! Holy Burritos! Thank gods it was all a dream! Or was it a dream revealing the future?????

Questions: Will that dream of Piper's come true?

Is Leo really that perverted to stare at Piper's chest?

Why did Piper reveal her bra cup size?

Never mind that last one!

Why was it Frank who came to check up on Piper when she screamed instead of Jason or Leo?

And of course the only one we care about...

Will Piper and Leo share a kiss sometime in the near future?

Thank you all so much for reading, commenting, and voting! Make sure to read, comment, vote, follow, and check out some of my other books like Loving Alice, and Almost Extinct! They're a lot better than they look and sound, trust me.

Good night dear fellow Wattpadians!


~Maggie Poop

Shatter my heart but please don't break itحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن