Nightmares and Departure

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When I get out of the shower, I blow dry my hair and comb it. The only time my hair is tame enough to be combed is just after it's been shampooed and conditioined and is still wet.

I step into my long pajama pants and pull on a black muscel tee.

I'm washing my mouth with mouthwash when Annabeth kicks down the door and drops to the toilet bowl to vomit.

"You okay?" I ask, handing her the mouthwash. She gratefully accepts the Listerine, pours some into the lid, and swishes it around in her mouth before spitting it out in the toilet.

"Unh. No." She wipes her mouth with her sleeve. I offer my hand to help her up and she accepts it, gripping onto my wrist tightly as I pull her up.

"Here, this is the medicine that Rachel gave you for your flu symptoms. Take some more." I hand her the little potion in the vial which she uncorks and presses to her lips.


"No problem." She passes me out of the bathroom, and kisses Percy goodnight. She goes into the girl's suite and closes the door behind her.

I grab my tool belt from my night stand and conjure Archimedes sphere, my iPod nano, and my earbuds. I put the earbuds in and start listening to Counting Stars while I tinker with the sphere.

"Alrighty, it's eleven thirty guys, so you know what that means." Jason says as he emerges from the bathroom.

"Of course it is." Vick mumbles.

"Look, we need to stay up in the morning, so let's just get to sleep alright?" Jason says, and fluffs his pillow before he flops onto his strip of the L- shaped couch.

"Jase, that's why we drink coffee." Percy says.

"Oh." Jason seems to be contemplating it for a second before shruggin and going, "Yeah, let's just stay up." That earns him some whoops and cheers.

"Hey, let's talk about Percy's little girlfriend." I say, and Percy rolls his eyes.

"So, is it serious between you and Abby?" Nico quips. I jump a little. Nico is normally so quiet, I'd almost forgotten that he was here.

"I feel bad for leading her on like that. I think I'm gonna let her of the hook." Percy says, blushing.

"NO! Percy, we're getting these rooms for free, do you think that's because she's charitible? No, it's because she wants you to get into her pants! And she thinks that you want to as well." Frank bites into a powdered donut, leaving the rest of us confused as to how he got the donut.

"Personally, I don't think it matters either way." Vick says. "If she hears that you aren't interested because you have a girlfriend, she'll just try to get you interested. Trust me, I know her type. I call them honeybadgers."



"Why?" Vick grins.

"Because Honeybadger just takes what it wants." Which leaves us all cracking up. I hear the door that conmects our adjacent suites with the girls open and in walks the ladies all in their pajamas. Reyna grins as she leads the pack.

"I think we're gonna pull an all-nighter. And remember, since it's Europe I was able to obtain some questionable substances." She pulls out a ziploc baggie full of little pills, which gave us the highs of our lives. I have since found out that those were plasybo pills and we got high off of baby asprin.

After hours of cracking jokes about Abby, who we're now all calling "Honey," We hear a knock at the door.

We open it up and see who else but Honey herself standing there.

Shatter my heart but please don't break itTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang