When in Rome... Again

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I go up to the controls when Piper finishes her speech. Annabeth looks a little green, so she runs down to her bathroom adjoined with her and Percy's cabin.

When I see Piper pass by me at the dashboard, her choppy straight brown hair flowing in the wind, a firm set of the jaw, and a determined yet doubtful expression on her face, I don't see her as a ticking time bomb, or a terminally ill person, I see her as my long time friend, my girlfriend, and the rock for everyone on this trip. And I know that even if she doesn't choose me, and chooses Jason, I'll still be her rock, her best friend, her Leo. We won't change at all, really. We'd just not have a romantic relationship.

But, I'm getting way off focus. I turn to the dashboard again, and press buttons, sample albums, and shake the wii remote so hard it'll probably get shaken wii syndrome. After half an hour, I set the controls on auto pilot, and go to the stern of the ship to see how far we've gotten. I can't see land anymore. Progress.

I've never set the speed this high. I hope it won't effect anything, but with our luck, I can count on it to ruin the entire ship.

As the Argo II skims along the water at incredibly high speeds, Rachel appears next to me.

"Hi Leo." She says.

"Hey." I reply, my eyes remaining on the water.

"Does anything suck worse than this? I mean, when I took an oath of chastity I doubted anything would get worse than what I had just experienced, but here I am." She dramatasizes oath of chastity a lot.

"What was so bad about vowing to never have any romantic complications?"

"Oh, it wasn't that."

"What was it?"

"Second titan war. I swear, I was so relieved to be able finally be able to retire from the dating game, that I was willing to risk my life for the chance at becoming hostess of the oracle of Delphi. With one of the richest people in America as my father, I can tell you truthfully that I can sympathize with Piper more than anyone else. I've never had a normal life, even before I got involved with the gods and goddesses of Olympus. I've spent a good amount of my life covering up my identity as Dare spawn, just like Piper. Not to mention being able to see through the mist. I always thought I was crazy. You know, at my old school they used to call me fuzzy fox? I hated it so much. When I walked home everyday they would jeer and taunt me, shouting, "Red head, red head, ginger red head!" until I got my brother in law to beat up this one kid Jack Lorcom. That's when we moved to New York." We stand there for a while in silence, the only sound around us is the sound of the Atlantic ocean.


- Sorry for the pause there, was just visiting my sister at her place up in New York. Did everyone have a Percabethy - Er, I mean a happy Thanksgivakkah? (Thanksgiving + Hanukkah = Thanksgivakkah:) That's good. May the Percabethy be with you. Kay, let's get back to the story.-


After about half an hour of standing there with Rachel watching the ocean, I hear something. It's - It's beautiful. It's unlike anything I've ever heard. I can see Rachel is entranced by the music too.

"Hey, Rache, you hearing that?" I ask, looking for the owner of the beautiful voices that I hear singing the music of my soul.

"The voice of angel's singing? Yeah I hear it." Her green eyes get dreamy like mine. (Listen to the sirens: http://youtu.be/nX2anEXG0eE) I follow the gorgeous sound with my ears, and my heart.

The sound leads me to the edge of the railing. There I see eerily elegant wisps of what looks like wispy forms of what were once beautiful women, but faded to mist over time.

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