La Ville De L'amour

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After breakfast, I go down to the training room with the guys. Jason is acting strangely friendly after what happened last night between me and Piper.

Percy goes over to the lifting station, and starts lifting before Coach Hedge hollers at him to do fifteen pull ups.

Frank jumps a little when Hedge screams at him to drop and give him fifty.

Jason joins me in sit-ups.

"Hey, Leo, about what happened last night," There it is.

"Well, we were both overwhelmed from everything that has happened in the past two days, we were both confused out of our minds from all of the memories that are coming to us, and she kissed me. At the time, it just felt so normal, so comfortable, you know? So I kissed her back. Then Annabeth showed up, brought us back down to earth, and I feel like Tatarus."

Percy stops his lifting despite Hedge's demands to keep going.

"You kissed Piper?"

I just continue onto sit-up 38.

"Yeah, that probably feels like Tartarus." There's a collective laugh, and about an hour later, we hit the showers.

"Hey, Percy, turn up the hot water, eh?" I hear Frank yell, and I smile as I feel the warmth of hot water hit my skin, washing away the cold.

I step out of the shower and get into my jeans, a tee shirt, and slip on my tool belt.

I pop an Altiod into my mouth, and head upstairs to the controls. I don't really know where we're going right now, and then I get an idea.

I type in "Paris, France" into the keyboard that takes us where we need to go on autopilot. Piper walks up behind me smelling like she was just mugged by some perfume sample girls at the mall.

"Hey Leo, where we going?" She asks.

I turn around and face her grinning.

"Get ready Beauty Queen, we're going to Paris."



I'm caught off guard right there for a moment, but I quickly regain my composure, and throw my arms around his neck with a wide smile on my face.

"Merci, merci, merci Leo!" I say without realizing until just now that I had thanked him in French. Oops.

"Votre Piper beinvenu." He says laughing. (Translation: "Thank you, thank you, thank you Leo!" is what Piper said, and "Your welcome Piper." Is what Leo said)

"You know French?" I ask as we break apart.

"A little bit." He says.

"What's happening?" Annabeth asks as she and Percy walk up behind us, hand in hand.

"Oh, you know, nothing much, NOUS ALLONS JUSTE À PARIS!" I say all excited, again forgetting that they don"t know the most romantic language on earth. Man, I really need to control my French. (Piper just said: Oh, you know, nothing much, WE'RE JUST GOING TO PARIS!")

"I'll remind you again, Piper, you're the only one here who speaks French."

"Je fais aussi." Leo says. (Translation: I do too.")

"And Frank and Hazel, but only because she's from the forties, and he's from Canada." Percy says with a shrug. Annabeth hits him playfully on the chest with the back of her hand, and she goes on her tiptoes while he bows his head a little to kiss.

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