Date Night

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After the girls storm off, us guys decide to do some sight seeing. We start with the Louvre.

As we fish around in our wallets for money, Frank decides to be the smart one and tells us that our money isn't worth anything here because it's American money, not euros. So I conjure some euros out of my tool belt.

When we get in, I'm amazed at how all of the Greek gods and goddesses are depicted. When we go to the Mona Lisa, I smile at my older brother's work. It's so weird to think that I'm half brothers with Leonardo Da Vinci. We see The Scream, The Last Supper, Medusa's Raft, The Execution Of Lady Jane Grey, Winged Victory, and many other priceless paintings and statues. I find it funny how many religious paintings there are that were painted by demigods.

After we leave, we try to get on a bus for one of the famous Paris bus tours, with no luck. Then Percy's eyes light up, and he says he has an idea.

"Stand back guys. This could be big." We all stand back, and Percy puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles loudly. After a moment, nothing happens.

"So, what exactly is supposed to happen?" Frank asks.

"This," Percy answers right as the worlds biggest dog comes bounding out of no where, and runs right up to Percy and gives him a big sloppy lick.

"Hey girl! How you been doing? Good? Yeah, I smell like home don't I? Annabeth and I fell into Tartarus, that's why!"

"What in Zeus's name is that?" Frank, Jason, and I say in unison. Nico just smiles.

"Guys, this is Mrs. O'Leary, Percy's hellhound." Nico explains. Now I think I remember there being a humongous dog next to Tyson the cyclops when we arrived at Camp Jupiter.

"Percy, you have a hellhound?" I ask, astonished.

"Named Mrs. O'Leary?" Frank adds.

"She was a parting gift from Daedalus. He found her in the Underworld, and got attached. He couldn't bear parting with her when he left the underworld, so he took her with him. Then, when he decided to die, he gave Annabeth his laptop, and me his hellhound." Percy explains while scratching her head.

Then, he does something that surprises me even more: He gets on top of her.

An hour later, we get off of Mrs. O' Leary's back, and say goodbye as she runs back into the shadows.

"Hey, I think I see the girls!" Jason says, and we all turn to look. He's right. We go over and catch up with them. Right before any of us, we all screech to a halt when we see it.



There is a single red rose, just floating in the air. That's not the weird part. The weird part is the black swirly letters that say For Piper Love Mother.

I take the rose, and the swirly letters disappear.

"Have you ever seen the bachelorette?" My mother says, and we all jump back.

"Oh gods, you're not going to make me the Bachelorette, are you?" My mother smiles, then just disappears.

I curse loudly in French. A few pedestrians glare at me, then grab their children's hands and steer them away from the scene.

"Well then," I say, looking back and forth between Jason and Leo. "Who wants to take me to dinner?"

A few hours later, Jason and I are chatting at a dinner table.

"Contrôle s'il vous plaît!" I say to a passing waiter. (Check please!)

Five minutes later, we're walking hand in hand through a park.

"So, what exactly did Az say earlier?" Jason asks.


"What? I want to know."

"Trust me, you don't."

"No, trust me, I do."

"Well, once you know, you're going to wish I never told you."

"How do you know?"

I look him in the eye.

"Jason. You don't want to know."

"Yes, that's what I've been saying I don't want to know."

We continue walking through the park, holding hands and talking.

At around ten, we start walking back to the ship. When we reach the ship, I take both his hands.

"So did I earn a rose?" I laugh.

"Jason, will you accept this rose?" I ask and hand him the rose that I'd tucked into a little nook in the boat.

"Yes I will."

We laugh, and he leans in for a good night kiss. I kiss him back.

Maybe it's just my imagination, but I think I feel a little reluctance in the kiss. It's probably just me because while I love Jason, I still love Leo just as much, and I feel like whenever I kiss one, I'm cheating on the other. But it's most likely just a phase. I'll get over it. We break apart, say goodnight, and go back to our own cabins.

When I enter my cabin, Annabeth, Hazel, Rachel, and Az are all there waiting for me on my bed.

"Hey Frenchy." Great. Now Leo's new nickname for me has stuck. But I kind of like it. "How was it?"

"Amazing. Jason always knows exactly what to do for a date. So, he took me to this four star restaurant, and then after that we went for a walk in a park, we chatted, and then he gave me a goodnight kiss, and here I am."

"Wow. Frank's idea of a romantic candle lit dinner is sitting down, freaking out about the fire, then asking me to blow them out." Hazel says, and we all throw our heads back and laugh.

"I wish I could date. But I'm married to my work..." Rachel does her best Sherlock impression which leaves us all howling.

At about eleven, there's a knock on the door, and I go to answer it. Little Flora and Fauna are standing in the doorway in their pajamas, each holding a teddy bear that was spared from Octavian's wrath.

"Az, are you going to tuck us in?" Flora asks sweetly.

"I'm right behind you. Say goodnight to everyone."

"Goodnight!" Flora and Fauna wave to us, and we smile and say goodnight back to them.

"Where are they sleeping?" I ask.

"I'm sleeping in Percy's room, so Rachel has mine, and Hazel's sleeping with Frank in his rom, so they're all sleeping in Hazel's room."

"Where's Nico sleeping?"

"Either in Jason's room, or Leo's room, take your pick."

Since I went out with Jason tonight, I decide to pick Leo for this one.

"Great, so I'll set up the inflatable matress for you, and I'll sleep on the bed!" Leo says, and I punch him in the arm playfully, and he laughs.

"Kidding." I climb into my bed, and then realize that there is no inflatable matress. It'd be too big to conjure from his belt, so he'd be sleeping on the floor.

"Hey, Leo, sleep on the right side of the bed." I say, and he shrugs and climbs into the other side of my king sized bed.

"Bonne nuit French."

"Bonne nuit Leo." And I turn out the lights. I guess I felt cold, or maybe just lonely, becuase when I wake up in the middle of the night, I'm snuggled against Leo. And while I try to go back to sleep, I don't move.


So, The Bachelotette theming has begun! Yay!

Questons: I got nothing.

Thanks for reading!


~ Maggie Poop

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