He loved me he loved me not

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I stare at the IM not believing my eyes.

Reyna? Dead? It can't be possible. I can clearly remember the way that the crowwd parted to make way for her, just so she could speak to us.

Her stormy obsidian black eyes were stone cold, but hiding a mixed bag of emotions, like hopefullness, pride, excitment, and a broken heart. Now she's gone? It can't be possible. I didn't know her, but Jason did.

Oh Gods. Jason. This girl was his best friend. Well, before me of course. This is gonna break his heart.

"And that is what will happen if you don't come back and save us from the wrath of the Romans." Travis and Conner turn off the video, and grin at us evilly.

"I swear, the next time I see you two, I will wring your necks at the exact same time, one hand on each neck!" Piper yells at them, and I have to hold her back so that she doesn't attack the Iris Mesage.

"Okay, that's all we had to say." Conner grins, and then I see it. In the background, there are chariots, teens in armour, and an elephant? I shake my head.

"Yeah, Conner, Travis, run." They're puzzled expression changes to one of horror as they turn around and see the army of the Romans.

Travis swipes a hand through the IM, and it dissapears.

"NO! REYNA!" Piper and I follow the voice, and I'm amazed at how I can run after training. I take a small sip of nectar from a water bottle in my belt. I instantly feel a lot better.

Jason is staring horrified at the Iris Message we had just recieved seconds ago. Tears are rolling down his cheeks as he stares at the fake image of a dead Reyna.

I look over at Piper and I'm surprised at her hurt expression. Jason smiles so widely I can see his back molars when Travis and Conner are replaying they're IM, in full armour this time.

"I'm gonna go uh, see how far we are from the Parthenon." Piper mutters, and she leaves very abruptly, with her face turned away.

But before she leaves, I think I see her beautiful multicolored eyes water with tears.




I leave the small rec room, where we found Jason crying over Reyna's not yet death, run into my cabin, and sit down on my bed and cry.

After about five minutes, my door slowly swings open, and I see Rachel standing there wiht Hazel. They see me crying and shut the door and sit down on either side of me.

"Hey Pipes, whats wrong?" Hazel asks while Rachel puts her arm around my shoulders.

"Nothing, it's stupid," I say lamely.

"Okay, what's wrong with the stupid nothing?" Rachel asks.

"It's just, I was passing Leo at the controls, and an Iris Message of Reyna dead showed up, and it turned out just to be a PDA from the Stolls. Jason recieved the same one, seconds after ours ended with the Roman army flooding into camp. When Jason thought she was dead, he was sobbing. When he thought I was going to die, he was pissed. If he was more upset with Reyna's fake death than mine, then did he love her? Yes, of course he did. But did he love her more than me? And once again, the answer is yes." And I put my face in my hands and cry.

Rachel and Hazel can say all the kind words in the world, but it doesn't change anything. Jason is in love with Reyna, and he was more in love with her than me.

Just then, Leo bursts open the door, and I send up a silent prayer pf thanks to my mother for making me immune to blotchy cheeks, red eyes, and any tell tale signs of crying.

"Good news."

"What?" I stand up, ready for something, anything good.

Leo smiles. "We've arrived at the Parthenon."


YAY! Athena-statue-return-and-camps-make-up-time!

Questions: How did the Stolls duplicate and send out the Iris Message at two different times to a different person while they knew they were being attacked?

If Jason always loved Reyna, why didn't he leave Piper for her?

Does he love Reyna?

Thank you for reading and staying with the story! Sorry it's taken so long to update, i just lost my iPod touch, and now I'm back on the computer!

Follow if you want a chapter dedicated to you!


~Maggie Poop

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