Holy Wow

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Holy Wow.

That's all I can think. Holy Wow.

"Leo, do you know where you are?" Piper asks, putting her hands on her hips.

"No idea whatsoever. Frenchy, what's going on?" I ask, struggling against the strong cords that keep me tied to the chair.

"Don't even try to escape. It's no use. The cords are made of the rope that held Kronos in Tartarus. Luke got through them with his immunity from the River Styx, which I seriously doubt you have." Annabeth says, appearing out of nowhere. I look around the beautiful garden with flowing water falls, the most exotic flowers and animals. The water falls into a pond stiller than dream lake in Lurray Caverns, falling on the smoothest stones and river rocks I have ever seen.

"Leo as you might have noticed, we're not exactly the same looking as we were a minute ago, on the ship. I'm nineteen years old now, and I need to tell you that - "

Future Hazel cuts in. "Piper!" She hisses. "You can't tell him! The Helen always dies after you tell them!" Rachel walks out of the shadows along with Az, and I think I do notice a little difference in their faces.

Annabeth has a beautiful lapis (or is it the petrified water, called waterstone?) ring studded with rare bits of corals, and an emerald in the center, Annabeth's birth stone on her finger. Expensive gift from Percy is my guess.

Hazel is defiantly older looking, taller, longer hair, sharper cheekbones, bigger chest, (I'm a teenage guy, okay? If you think I'm bad, you should see Percy when Annabeth wears a tight or low cut shirt) and just older looking. Rachel's hair is more tamed, but you can't see or smell any expensive hair product that they give her at that crazy finishing school, Clarion Lady's Academy, also all of her freckles are completely disappeared. I swear, that school changes a girl. Once you've been there for a year, it's inevitable: You're permanently stuck with looking better than Miss Universe.

Az hasn't changed any surprisingly.

"I'm running out of time Leo." She says impatiently, her multicolored eyes searing into mine.

"Look, I need to decide fast. This," She waves her arm around, gesturing to the garden. "Is just a mirage, an illusion. This is just a scene of what it used to be. You and Jason's jealousy had gotten down to the point of violence, and before you know it, I feel like Bella in Twilight, and everyone is either on team Jacob or team Edward, or in my case, team Leo, or team Jason. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone. The camps are splitting into two pieces over this feud, and the war has been lasting so long, most of us don't even remember what we're fighting about anymore. I'm not going to say any more, other than this. I'm in danger. We all are. Tell me these exact words: The Fifth Crime. I can't say anymore as I'm already breaking one of the 3 fates rules, not to go back, but honey you should've seen what the right kind of permanent makeup can do to turn 3 hags into supermodels with the exact right makeup artist. Now, I must go. Remember, The Fifth Crime! And make sure nobody else hears it!" Then, all of a sudden, my head is resting on Pipers lap on the Argo II, present day.

"Leo! We thought you'd never wake up!" I sit up, and Piper hugs me tightly, Jason helps me up, and pats my back.

"Good to see you awake man. It's been like an hour since French found you unconscious with a burlap bag over your head in the boiler room. You good?" I nod my head, and try to speak, but my throat is so dry that I can't speak. What one earth was I breathing in that future world?

I summon a water bottle and take four gulps of water before my throat stops feeling like I've been drinking liquid sulfur.

"Frenchy, I'm supposed to tell you this." I lean in real close, so I make sure no one else hears. "The Fifth Crime." Her pulse shoots up, where my hand touches her throat when I pulled back her hair to whisper those words in her ear. I let her hair drop, and see her pupils dilate, and her breathes get more and more shallow.

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