Shattered My Heart But Fixed Another

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This chapter contains a huge SPOILER about THE HOUSE OF HADES, so if you haven't read it yet, or haven't reached PAGE 293 yet, or haven't gotten that spoiler about the person who likes someone in Percabeth, DON'T READ THIS CHAPTER YET!


This chapter supports gay rights, so if that's gonna be an issue for you, I suggest you might as well stop reading this book. I support gay rights, and I'm listening to Same Love too, so HA!



Somehow, we've gone from France to Camp Half Blood in seven hours.

Piper does have powerful charmspeak.

There's a crowd of mixed campers, Roman and Greek all standing around, cheering and shielding their eyes from the eyes as they look up.

I see a woman with curly brown hair, who looks like she's in her mid thirties or early forties with a guy in his early forties or late thirties, who has a two day shadow, wearing a tweed jacket, with tears streaming their faces, with wider smiles than the equator on their faces. I'm guessing Percy's mom and step dad. I see a limo at the bottom of the hill, and --- Is that Rena Davids? --- Piper's dad. I also see a guy with sandy blonde hair with gray hair mixed in a little, with a woman who has black hair streaked with red, and two little boys running around --- Aw, merde, Conner and Travis (merde is a french cuss) are talking to them. Well, might as well start writing their criminal records.

We drop down on the camp with the rope latter.

Piper is holding both my and Jason's hands. She squeezes my hand, and I squeeze it in back, saying I love you to her in morse code - - - --- - - --- --- --- - - - --- - --- - -- -- --- --- -- - - ---

Then she let's go of both our hands, and runs up to her father. His brown eyes which have hidden bags underneath them, light up brighter than the Manhattan skyline when he sees his daughter running towards him. She runs into his arms, and he lifts her up in a hug and spins her around, then just hugs her, keeping her feet off of the ground. Percy's eyes water when he sees his mother and stepdad. He runs towards them, and lifts his mother off of her feet, and then hugs Paul. Annabeth walks up to her dad and step mom, smiling, although the air is sucked right out of her when her father squeezes her in a hugs. Her father lets her go, and she stands awkwardly in front of her stepmom, stiffly. Then, Annabeth hugs her, deciding that she knows that she's way better than her so whatever. Okay, fine, Annabeth made me type that last one. OW! She just hit me.

Then Jason sees his sister, and runs up and hugs her. Hazel and Frank hug each other tightly. I feel their pain. They both had to loose their mother at a young age, like me. Annabeth sneaks up behind one of the little boys who Travis and Conner stole, and tickles him. He giggles, and then both of them knock her off of her feet in the squatting position that she was in with a bear hug.

Annabeth takes her little brothers over to Percy and introduces them. Percy squats down and shakes their hands.

I see Nico and pat him on the back.

He looks pained as he watches Percy and Annabeth laugh at her brothers. Then, they stand up, and she puts her arms around his neck, his arms hugging her close to him.

"Nico, why the long face?"

He turns away.

"No reason. I just miss Bianca and my mother. You know how I feel."

"i do, but I have a wistful look on my face, you have and enviously pained wistful look on your face. What's up?" He looks down and takes my arm. He pulls me under the shadow of the floating ship and shadow travels me to Cabin 9. It's empty.

Shatter my heart but please don't break itWhere stories live. Discover now