Wendy Leah and others

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When I wake up, I feel like an angry person is inside of my head, and is pounding on my skull with a knife and hammer trying to get out. My alarm clock starts beeping, and I pull out the plug to turn it off, and wince with my hands over my ears.

"WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED?!" I hear Annabeth yell on from the upper deck.

I trudge up the stairs to see a shell shocked Percy and Annabeth, staring at the carnage.

"Whazzhappening?" Rachel slurs as she enters the scene.

"What happened to the Argo II?" Annabeth demands.

"Annabeth, don't play that. You know perfectly well that we got wasted last night, after all the caffeine made my vision and concentration all screwy, and I started conjuring Piper's grandpa Tom's special homemade whiskey when I was thinking about ambrosia and nectar." I wince again, wishing that that tiny angry person in my head banging on my skull would take a rest.

"You what?!" Annabeth yells, and Rachel and I cringe in unison.

"Don't try to act like you weren't there. Isokay. We all messed up." Piper appears out of nowhere (AKA the stairs) rubbing her temples and wincing.

"No, I wasn't! Percy and I were downstairs in our cabin watching movies on Netflix, because I have a stomach bug, remember?" I remember Annabeth throwing up earlier, before we decided to "Take the day off."

Jason, Hazel, and Frank come up the stairs, same as all of us, wincing at every word someone says, rubbing their temples and trying not to fall over and go back to sleep.

"Hey guys. Had fun last night?" Nico comes out of the buffet room with a mug filled to the brim with black coffee.

"Nico! Don't tell me you didn't get wasted either." Frenchy says, leaning against a wall.

"Nope. I didn't get totally wasted, I put you all to bed after Piper fainted while doing shots, and cleaned up around here."

"You call this cleaning?" Annabeth squeaks.

"Hey, you should've seen what it was like before I cleaned up, and put Fauna and Flora to bed. Fauna went to bed right away, but Flora needed a bedtime story."

"The twins! How could we have forgotten about them?!" Hazel cries into Franks chest, and he strokes her hair with one hand.

"Hey, guys, does anybody else want Advil? Cause I just conjured a jar from my belt." Everyone except for Nico, Percy, and Annabeth run over to me, and grab a gel pill from the jar of Advil. Piper grabs Nico's coffee and swallows it down her throat. I run into the buffet room with Hazel, Jason, Frank, and Rachel and grab the coffee pot, and pour it into our mugs, and use it to swallow down the pill.

"That is much better." I say, after a minute that the Advil takes to kick in.


"Hey, guys, where's Az?" Hazel asks, and we go outside and start calling her name.

"Az? A-Az, where are you?"

"Hey, guys! Up there in the crows nest!" Nico shouts. Jason flies up there, and confirms that Az is sleeping in the crows nest. He takes her and gently flies down and puts her on the stairs.

"Wha - ? Mornin," Az says, and yawns, then gives us a bright smile.

"Where's your hangover?" Piper demands.

"Me? Oh, after being raised by my disgusting British-American father, who used to accidentally pour me vodka instead of water, I'm pretty much immune to hangovers."

Shatter my heart but please don't break itDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora