We Trust Her We Trust Her Not

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Jason and I both grab Piper, a gesture of love, protection, and desperaion. My arm touches Piper first, and while nobody's looking Jason and I flip each other off, then grin.

Percy and Frank do the same thing to Annabeth and Hazel, just without giving each other the finger. Rachel holds out an arm for Nico, showing that she and Hazel are getting really close.

"Guys, it's not like I have scarlet fever or anything, I'm perfectly safe."

"You're related to Gaea, that's reason enough to kill you." We all look over at Jason like, "Kill?"

"I don't think you could manage to kill me. Besides, we're all direct desendants of Gaea. Percy, Jason, Nico, Hazel, she's your great grandmother. Annabeth, Piper, Leo, Frank, she's your great-great grandmother. Rachel, believe it or not, she's your great-great-great-great grandmother." Rachel's mouth drops.


"Your grandmother on your mother's side of the family was a daughter of Illithyia." Huh. Well, that explains her ability to see through the mist.

"My mother is in all of us, whether we like it or not. I learned that she has no real power over us."

"Us including...?"

"My sisters and me. When I get upset, earthquakes tend to happen. Right before it does, Fauna whispers a warning into the atmosphere that only animals and Flora, herself, and I can hear to take cover. That is why animals are always aware of weather before any humans. Flora can put trillions of flowers into full bloom with just a single tear drop that lands on the peatl of a dying flower. I can do anything I please with the earth. That's why your camps have not fallen into a sink hole yet. I don't know how much longer I can keep the earth solid, but with the aid of Flora and Fauna when I need it, I'll be able to hold off my weakling mother for a minimum of two months. Trust me, I'm on your side. And Piper," She turns to Piper. "I think you'll need all the help you can get, avec ce grand monter de décision." She smiles slyly at Piper, like she just said something like blackmail. Piper gasps, and Jason and I hold her back to keep her from attacking Az. She looks like she's about to shrug us off, then desides against it.

(Translation: "I think you'll need all the help you can get, with that big decision coming up." French, obviously)

"Based on Piper's reaction to your french just now, I'm not all that into that whole trusting you thing right now." Percy says.

"Piper, je savent qui vous devez choisir." Az says, her earthy brown eyes locked on Piper's. (Translation: Piper I know who you need to choose.)

"Vous faites?" Piper responds, sounding shocked. Jason is trying hard to understand. I got this from Az: Piper, I _____ who you _____ _____." Piper replies: "You do?"

"Oui." (Yes). Piper swallows.

"Guys, I trust Az."


"I trust her. It's not something I'm comfrotable talking about." I see that she needs space right now, but apparently Jason doesn't. He tries to comfort her with a hug, and her arms go up so fast, that she hits him in the face.

"Jason, I don't need comfort at a time like this. I trust Az, okay? You should to, don't ask me why."

"Why do you trust her all of a sudden?" Jason asks. I swear, this guy is not a good guy to have around the second week of the month with Piper. It's like he's never heard of PMS.

"Because I know that she can save the lives of hundreds. Including me." She stalks off, with Hazel Rachel, Annabeth, and now a new addition to the girls stalk-off group, Az Bartlow.

Jason looks down and blushes.

"Don't worry man," I say, and put a hand on his shoulder. "Someday you'll have the PMS days marked down on a mental calendar as well as a physical one."



"Az, savez-vous vraiment qui?" (Az, do you really know who?") I ask her as we walk off in the direction of the Arch De Triumph.

"N'est-elle pas évident? L'autre obtient au-dessus de quelqu'un d'autre. Je peux le dire." ("Isn't it obvious? The other is getting over somebody else. I can tell.") She loops her arm through mine, and I puzzle over how she knew about the whole Helen thing.

"Bartlow. My full name is Azalea Tiger Lily Bartlow. I think I told that to Leo telepathically." While I puzzle over that, I jump and go into full cardiac arrest when I hear a little voice in my head.

Just like this, Frenchy. Impressed? You know, if you try hard enough, you can do it too. It's one of the many peaks of charmspeak. I don't charmspeak, but I do earth whsiper, which is like charmspeaking, but it's completly telepathic. Pretty cool huh?

I turn to Az, my mouth wide open, and noticce how her earthy brown eyes look so distant come right back to us, full of life and clever tricks. I try to send her a telepathic message.

Is this how you do it, Az?

She smiles.

Just like that. Then there's the fun part.

What's the fun part?

Pretending to be people's consious's.

I get Annabeth!

I'll get Rachel and Hazel.

Annabeth. I am your consious. Annabeth, if you hear me, this is my seventh time attempting to contact you. If you hear me, clap your hands three times.

Annabeth does exactly what I tell her to do and it takes evry ounce of self control that I have not to double over laughing.

After about an hour of me telling her to jump up and down, make monkey calls, do a round house kick to the face of a perv that just took me to second base, and doing the Hokey Pokey I finally let all of my laughter out.

Annabeth looks puzzled for a moment, then slaps me across the face.

Then I see something That makes my heart stop cold.


Questions: What did Piper see?

Who's getting over somebody?

Who is that person that Leo or Jason is getting over?

Will they be grateful when Piper sets them up after she chooses?

Will Piper choose?

Am I ever going to start theming the chapters like the Bachelorette?

Well, I gotta bounce.


~ Maggie Poop

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