Welcome To Paris

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I smack my alarm clock at 5:00 AM, and get up groggily. I go into my bathroom, brush my teeth, put on deodorant, floss, and get dressed into a camo green muscle tee, jeans, my tool belt, and some hiking boots. I pop an Altiod into my mouth, and leave my cabin, and go up to the buffet room for breakfast. Piper is the only one there when I arrive. She looks shaken and deathly scared when she sees me.

"Morning Frenchy. You look like you've seen a ghost. What's wrong?" I go over and fill my coffee mug with that amazing bitter black brew called coffee.

"N-Nothing. Just had a rough night." She wrings her hands, then picks up her coffee mug, and takes a swig.

"Couldn't sleep?"

"Yeah. I get um, pretty shaky when I loose sleep."

"Hm. I guess I never noticed that about you." She gives a forced single laugh.

"Yeah, I guess so."

While I puzzle over her odd answer, Percy and Annabeth come in hand in hand, yawning.

"Morning." Annabeth says over a yawn, and goes over to the Kurig coffee maker.

"Hey." Rachel and Jason walk in, both looking exhausted like the rest of us.

"Morning." Frank and Hazel enter two minutes later, Nico and Hedge right behind them.

We all eat our breakfast, and head downstairs for training. After an hour of working out, we hit the showers, and I go over to the controls.

Piper walks past me, throwing a "Hey Leo" over her shoulder.

"Hey, Frenchy," She turns around."

"We're here."



"We are?!" I ask, jumping up and down.

He grins and nods, and I throw my arms around his neck, rambling in French.

He announces that we've arrived in Paris over the intercom and everyone is on the upper deck in a minute.

Right as we start getting off the boat, I catch up with Leo at the back.

"Leo, thank you so much for doing this. Je t'aime Leo." I give him a quick kiss on the lips, and hurry down to Jason, and lace my fingers through his.

"Je pense je t'aime Jason." I whisper into his ear.

"What?" He asks.

I smile to myself. "Nothing to concern yourself with. Not yet."

A few hours later, we're all in a little park, throwing bread crumbs at the pigeons and starlings that would eat them. Soon Leo, Jason, and I are throwing the bread crumbs at each other, laughing and laughing even harder when Leo falls backwards into the fountain. I step in, and help him up.

"Oh, I'm soaking wet now!" I say, and splash Leo with more water. Percy and Annabeth are doing the same thing a few yards over, along with Frank and Hazel, while Frank has the advantage of being a harp seal at the moment. Nico and Rachel are laughing at Hedge, who's trying to talk up the naiad of the fountain, and ends up get water slapped in the face at a dirty joke.

"You all know you're not supposed to be in the fountain, but there are no security guards coming to stop you."

A girl with the voice and aura of Luna Lovegood suddenly appears sitting in a tree, swinging her legs, and hops down, her hand held out in front of her.

"I'm Azalea. You can call me Az. In fact, please do. I would have a bit of a temper if you called me Azalea. There might be an earthquake."

"How can you see what we're doing?" I ask astounded.

"I'm also a demigod. Of sorts. I can tell you're a daughter of Aphrodite, Jupiter, Hephestus, Hades, Posiedon, Athena, Pluto, Mars, and an oracle. I can see through the mist as easily as the one called... Rachel, is it? I'm also American as you've probably noticed. Well, my dad is. I was raised in England. I prefer it there much more. Bonjour, Piper. Oui avez-vous choisi? Anstronomie ou le mythe?"

"Le mythe... Et Astronomie." I answer, not too shocked at her excellent French because she's part European. (No translations here. Figure it out yourself, or wait until the sappy romantic cliché chapter where she repeats it, and the translation is revealed:)

"Hold on, Az, let's talk about this." I turn to Jason and Leo.

"How on earth did she know that we're demigods?" Jason whispers under his breath, and Leo and I roll our eyes like it's way obvious.

"I know you're demigods because I'm a demigod too. So are my younger sisters, Flora and Fauna. They're twins, and have no idea that they're demigods." Percy and Annabeth have gotten up with the others, and are walking towards us.

"What's up?" They ask, wringing out their clothes. Except for Percy. I'm still mad at him for almost drowning me in the bathtub when I asked him at breakfast for more water. Thank gods for Life Alert. Just kidding. Sort of.

Az looks over at these two pale beauties, about seven years old, one who's acting like Cinderella in the sense that little birds a fox, a doe, three rabbits, and a domestic cat are all gathered around her, one who's tending to all the plants and things with roots, and I swear the botanical life is looking at her with admiration.

"Who's your godly parent?" I ask.

She looks down at her feet, like she's ashamed.

"Not one that I'm proud of. Not one that I support, either."

"That's great, but who?"

"My father is a deceased drunk, and my mom is," She pauses like she's not sure that she's going to trust us with this information. "Gaea."


DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!! Wow, so they just met a daughter of Gaea.

Questions: Is Az good or evil?

What on Earth did she say to Piper?

What on Earh did Piper say to Az and Jason and Leo?

How long does she have until Helen's curse kicks in to full effect?

Thank you guys for being such an awesome audience, I feel like a grandmother who can brag about her daughter the head of Neuroscience, and her son the politician, because I can brag to my friends how awesome all my readers are, and are just multiplying in size! I need to tell you how awesome writing this story has made me feel.


~ Maggie Poop

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