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It was always so easy to imagine a happy ending for ones self especially when you find that special someone whom you are so sure is the one for you.

That was exactly how we felt the day She walked into our office looking all shy and adorable while she Stood across our desk staring down at her shoes with rapt attention and without a shadow of a doubt we knew that we would give her the world if she wanted it.

Fast forward to probably four months later it was as though everything kept taking a turn for the worse except for the little moments fate allowed us spend together without some misfortune knocking on our door.

I'd never been one to complain about situations because I knew there was always going to be a way out,
Sadly I couldn't bring myself to believe the same anymore and the confusion was eating us all up.

Hoping earnestly for answers was the reason we were sitting anxiously in the living room while we waited for Natasha to finally speak considering she'd been silent for the past twenty minutes staring impatiently at the door like she was expecting someone.

    "Where is she?"
The voice I recognize to be the former beta female's boomed from the hallways before she badged in with Xyron trailing behind her looking as anxious as his mother.

Of course Natasha would know they were on their way back.

I looked around the room, watching in amusement as she kept placing wet kisses on Xyon while Sarah tried to pull the mother away from the son.

Tash suddenly boomed into the room, causing an instant silence to engulf the room.

Natasha wasn't one who raised her voice ever, she always spoke as soft or blunt as possible but for some reason she seemed to not only be raising her voice but she was doing so with the strength of her Lycan which was something she never did. I could see the surprise clearly showing on their faces but they were quick to hide it while the new comers slowly found themselves a place to sit.

I watched as Tash slowly made her way to Arabella and rubbed her thumb slightly on her forehead before whispering something in her ear that had her jolting awake with lightning speed which caused us to rush towards her but was stopped by Tasha's

      "Don't  !!! "
She had ordered before slowly picking an extremely confused Bella and placing her in the couch between her mother and father who looked at her in awe but couldn't utter a word to her.

    "Things are going faster than I expected and I think it's as a result of her mark on you"
Tasha said so lowly I almost didn't catch it.

    "Everyone of you knows the story of the first generation of Lycans that walked the earth and how they suddenly went extinct after the great War with the gods yes? "
She enquired

We all but chorused.

    "first off I'm sorry for the history class you are about to get but it's for the sake of the more sketchy part of the story you were never told".
She continued before taking a sit at the love sit opposite everyone else then sighed like she'd rather be doing anything else.

   "The first Generation of Lycans were known as the Krocs, they were much more stronger than any shifter, more primal, faster, and extremely temperamental, they were more animal than man and the only instinct they got right was caring and providing for their mates,  they had no business aligning themselves with the world and its continuous evolution hence they dwelled so deep in the mountains that very few even believed that they existed. "

"this continued  till a time came when their mates couldn't bare pups and the ones who did. died trying to birth them, it was difficult and they were beginning to dissipate in numbers, those who hadn't found their mates began to loose their human halves resulting in a park of full blooded Lycans.

Some seasons later the Alpha had been able to mate with a werewolve who had coincidentally wondered across his lands,  of course everyone had given up cause they believed that if the female Lycans couldn't bare pups then it would be impossible for a Werewolf to do so.

That was till five months later, as it was normal for the female at the time she had not only birthed three sons but they were all three blooded Lycans with the rarest kind of eye colors.

Everyone had rejoiced, celebrations were made across the lands, in their happiness they had opened their borders to all who were ready to move to wherever they wanted.

It was going perfectly well of course, they had began to mingle with other shifters, they began to find their mates while others began finding means of expanding their means of provision but all that was till  seven months later.

The daughter to the beta of the closest werewolf park had come one day with a daughter that looked exactly like the Lycan beta, her story been that she had slept with him after they realized they were mates months ago. Hence Once again The people had rejoiced for the new beta female and the addition to their park.

  One would think that their lives had remained all rainbows and sunshine but that was a lie, Atlas as you know as the god of war had envied the strength and speed of the Lycans, the way they led their lives independently.

it was the edge where mortals no longer acknowledged the existence of the gods, the first breeds of computers where being made for crying out loud so how were they expecting sacrifices from races that were gradually learning how to deliver messages without writing scrolls, those were the points Selene had made to the rest of the gods but Atlas had refused to see reasoning,  hence he took matters into his own hands disregarding the protest of Selene. "

Hey Sweeties, how have y'all been?

So how are you enjoying your reading or are you not? 

But if you are then please humor me.

What do you think Atlas did?

How does all that history lesson affect our favorite king and queen?

What does this have to do with the ex beta families sudden return?

Share your thoughts my beautiful lovers.
I love you 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋

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