Chapter 11 - Dissecting the Nomus

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Time skip to All Might's flight landing.

Finally, the plane has landed. I really couldn't take signing any more autographs. I've signed over 100 autographs and posed for I don't know how many photos. Every time I tried to sleep some passenger would come and disturb me just for an autograph or a photo.

But all that is not important right now. Now I had to focus on the task at hand – finding Mrs. Shield and David's daughter. But I don't know what they look like.

I exit out gate A51 and start to walk out. Keyword TRY. Before I even take a step or even a breath of American air, all I see is reporters. Fucking reporters crowded me......ahem.... I mean they wanted an interview with me and began asking me questions. Thank god airport security exists.

One of the guards apparently noticed the commotion and escorted me away from them. They even helped me look for Mrs. Shield, who had requested the head of the guards at the airport to escort me to her. I'm guessing being the head scientist of I-Island brought the shields a lot of fame.

The guards take me to a slightly empty area where a woman and a small girl a few years older than Izuku were standing holding a bouquet and a board that had my civilian name in bold. I walk up to them and introduce myself.

A few introductions later we board a helicopter to I-Island. We land at the I-Island facility in half an hour. From what I've gathered, the facility is almost 10 kilometers from the west shore. And since we covered the distance in 30 minutes the helicopter is hella fast but it's what I expect from the stuff David builds.

We were about to land when I saw David standing near the helipad with a few others, who I believe was his personal bodyguards. He waves to me and I wave back while I was still in the helicopter. This action causes Mrs. Shield and little Melissa to laugh.

Once the doors open I walk up to David and give him a high five which causes him to almost fall down on his butt it was funny, David's bodyguards try and hide a laugh while Melissa and Mrs. Shield are cackling at the site of the David falling on his butt.

We walk in and after a solid breakfast, David guides me to his lab. We didn't have much time to waste as is, though I did decide to spend some time with my friend and his family after I send the findings to the hero association.

At the lab, David first guides me to a room that was not big, so I assumed this was not the lab where the Nomus were kept. David then asks me to turn around as he pressed a button. It was childish I know but it feels nice at times to act like children.

"All right Toshinori, you can turn around now," David told me.

"Uhh...... What am I seeing David? What's with the belt on a naked mannequin?"

"That my friend is your new costume. The golden age All Might suit or as I like to call it, the Y'All Might suit."

"Hahahahahahaha, nice one David, but where's the suit?" I ask him.

"Oh right." He presses a button on the buckle of the suit. "Toshinori say hello to your Golden Age Suit."

"Oh my.... GOD" I say as I flex into my All Might form. "I LOVE IT DAVID, BUT I KNOW 2 SPECIFIC PEOPLE WHO WILL LOVE IT MORE THAN ME."

"And who will that be Toshinori?"

"My nephew Izuku and his best friend Katsuki Bakugou. They are major fans of All Might they literally have like a shrine dedicated to me. The only person who I think has more action figures and posters of me is Nighteye."

"Wait, hold up. You have a nephew. When did that happen? How did that happen? If I remember right, you told me you didn't have much of a family apart from your master and adoptive mother Nana Shimura. So, what happened since you last visited?"

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